Dealers don’t want to show this when selling the car.  where can I find him?

A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is similar to a PESEL number. This is a vehicle identification number that is assigned individually during factory production. Each copy that comes out of the factory walls is marked with this sign.

Many dealers, when placing an advertisement on the Internet, give out the wrong VIN number or the VIN number of another car to hide the actual condition of the car. Therefore, it is worth comparing this figure when checking the car with advertising data.

There are many places to look for a PIN as there are no specific instructions on where to find it. It should definitely be on a permanent part of the vehicle. Manufacturers puncture or burn a VIN with a laser in the following places:

  • front section
  • front suspension cup,
  • car body structure
  • the frame

In addition to the above places, the VIN number can be found on the vehicle registration certificate (box E).

The VIN number consists of 17 letters, numbers and letters (excluding letters: I, O, Q), divided into three sections:

  • VMI section – the letters in positions 1-3 designate the geographic region, country of origin and manufacturer of the vehicle. In this regard, the manufacturer must follow the instructions of the relevant authority.
  • VDS section – markings in clauses 4-9, in which manufacturers, according to individual arrangements, mark the type of vehicle, its data and technical characteristics. In the ninth place is a checkmark that checks the correctness of the VIN.
  • VIS section – the characters in positions 10-17 that make up the identification number of a particular element. Their significance is determined individually by the manufacturer.

The VIN number identifies a particular vehicle. It contains the following information:

  • car make and model,
  • year of production,
  • production city
  • chassis type,
  • Engine type,
  • Equipment options.

VIN decryption can be done using many websites and tools available on the internet. Most of them are paid, and free websites often display false information. Therefore, the surest place to check the VIN number is an authorized service center. The last six digits of the VIN are displayed in the information about the vehicle’s equipment. Thanks to this, it is possible to check the factory equipment of the car. You only need to access a database of manufactured vehicles – you can do this at an authorized service station or use paid VIN decoders available on the Internet.

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