Death Stranding: Director’s Cut – Drones and Catapult in Presentation
August 25, 2021, 22:23

An extensive video has been released showing the news and changes to be introduced by Death Stranding: Director’s Cut, an updated version of Hideo Kojima.

At the end of Gamescom’s inaugural Night Live 2021, we saw extensive video material from Death Stranding: Director’s CutIt is the renewed and expanded version of the popular game from 2019.

The film is a real pleasure for fans of Hideo Kojima’s works. It’s about nine minutes long and gives you a good idea of ​​what’s new in the next version of the game. We can see the work incl. New tools make travel easier, including small engines that allow you to land safely when jumping from high altitudes. The capabilities of a robot called Buddy Bot, which accompanies us on expeditions, and a catapult capable of launching packages over long distances, were also shown.

The movie also allows you to have a look at the new weapons and shooting range, where we will improve our skills and compete with other players in the online ranking. Players will also be able to replay boss battles. In addition, there will be new postal missions.

Death Stranding: Director’s Cut It will only go to PlayStation 5. The premiere is scheduled for September 24 this year.

  1. Kojima Productions official website
  2. Death Stranding Review?? What brought you here?
  3. death strand game guide

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