Denise Villanueva at the gate of the tune

This is undoubtedly a great moment for a filmmaker who adores science fiction director Frank Herbert from an early age.

This is a book I should have read when I was 13 or 14 in my teens. What we follow is the story of a young man who finds himself, defines his identity, and has difficulty negotiating with his genetic, family and political heritage., He explains. This neuroscience study, this study of the yoke of the past, the inner voices, how we are affected by our education, genetically, we carry pain and anger from previous generations. This is something that already exists Fire Also, these are themes that motivate me the most.

After being inspired, adaptation Hill Well thought out marathon. Thirty years ago, a filmmaker from Beaconcore took part in the show Europe-Asia race He succeeded in this, during which he visited Jordan. It was in this country that he filmed Fire Then Hill.

During the race I found Jordan, where I went to shoot. I was fascinated by the desert, at the time I wanted to make a film about the Nabataeans about Petra’s architecture. When I found that place and when I went back to filming Fire, If I ever made a movie, I remember exploring parts and telling myself Hill, Here I will do it, He says.

These are landscapes reminiscent of Frank Herbert’s descriptions. There is a power in the Jordanian landscape. As one of my collaborators said, this is a huge landscape and you are starting to believe in God even if you are an atheist.

Hill, Pick two

Denise Villeneuve knows the novel Hill Almost by heart. From its very beginning, Frank Herbert’s vision seems to have been guided by the great Geefras from the novel: I don’t know fear because fear kills the mind.

The Hill Released in 1984, David Lynch left Denise Villeneuve on his appetite, despite being an avid fan of the American director.

After David Lynch’s novel we were able to see the immense gesture that could come to make another adaptation of this novel. […]From the beginning, when I saw Lynch’s film, I realized that it was not the film I had dreamed of. I felt there was room for another explanation. So this is a gesture of love from Frank Herbert, He explains.

For this gesture of love, the director learned a lot from his film Blade Runner 2049A significant success, but not the expected business success.

Picture Blade Runner 2049 Had a reputation for being long and intelligent. As a director, I was not given all the money in the world to tune in, I had to do it in a certain context because I was the guy who did it. Blade Runner 2049.

We are just as good as the last film we made in this field. This is part of the game.

A quote:Denise Villanueva

The Hill Denise Villeneuve’s nearly $ 200 million adaptation, starring Timothy Solmet, Rebecca Ferguson and many others including Oscar Isaac.

A man and a woman stand in the desert with threads on their noses.

5 minutes with Denise Villanueva

Photo: Ciabella James Warner

The release of the film was postponed due to the epidemic and its marketing was repeatedly reviewed and fixed. Warner Bros. Decided to distribute in December 2020 Hill In theaters simultaneously in the United States and on her online viewing site HBO MAX, it angered Denise Villeneuve Wrote a frantic open letter In the magazine Variety.

I maintain my position. The idea that there is a unilateral decision to release an entire film on the big screen and service simultaneously in crisis StreamingThe first problem is not consulting anyone. It’s a punch in the back for me. Cinema is teamwork. I never believed that model.

It made me angry and told me exactly what I felt, He adds. What was said is true. No bad faith. I dedicate my life to cinema, a part of the big screen language.

There is nothing like being in a theater and experiencing waves of emotions, you can’t live it at home. People watching Hill There will never be the same experience at home.

A quote:Denise Villanueva

Everything is for the love of cinema

A graduate in cinema from UQAM, Denise Villeneuve has an interesting career and is one of the most important directors. Thirty years ago he won Europe-Asia raceBut, to him it is a thousand years.

A picture is like a self-portrait, and when we look at ourselves in adolescence we see flaws. So I relax and look at my pictures, He explains. I had to reconsider for technical reasons Melstrom 20 years later. This is the first time I have been able to actually get the film without all the emotional accusations that come with making a film. Every film has frustration, anger, and frustration within itself. It takes time to make peace with your pictures.

Fire Last year it celebrated its tenth anniversary. A film that still lives on with him because Denise Villanueva never stopped thinking in films.

To explain his rise to Hollywood, he tells us: I, I make movies! I eat it, I do it, it’s my life!

Cinema allowed me to stay in touch with the world. It’s an obsession.

A quote:Denise Villanueva

My kids look at me and laugh because I spend all my free time on it. So the compelling, frantic page might have pushed me there, He agrees. The rest are very lucky. Throughout my trip, there were many important moments. I had the ability to interact with the right people.

Hill On the world stage

Hill The Venice Film Festival will make its world premiere on September 3, a festival of symbolic significance for Denis Villeneuve. He was already there for the release of his film in 2011 Fire And for his film in 2016 Visit.

I feel relaxed when I go to sit in the living room. Things move very fast and there are many changes on a daily basis. I would believe it if I sat there. I would say this is an exercise in releasing the release of the film. […] It is going to come out in an imperfect environment and I first accept that it is the safety of the people.

Denise Villeneuve says there is no four- or six-hour version of her film, which is perfect for the Toronto International Film Festival in September and theatrical release on October 22nd. We like him because of Warner Bros. Waiting for the box office results before funding the shooting of the second part.

Denise Villenov has a cool head and is focused on getting out Hill (Part One). For the rest, we’ll see. I try not to spread myself too thin. I am a monogamous man. I try to work on one project at a time. The second part of this Hill Will be a priority. I start working on a film about Cleopatra’s life, a project that has been with me for a long time. It was a project I dared not do ten years ago, but now I have the technical knowledge to make the film of my dreams.

There is a second book Hill, The Messiah of Tune, Can create an extraordinary film, He believes. I’ve always seen that there might be a trilogy, and we’ll see after that. It’s been years of work, and I couldn’t think of going over it.

Excerpts from this interview will air on Friday, August 20th Téléjournal with Patrice Roy And at Newspaper22 H From Radio-Canada.

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