Dispute the 500-plus in the House.  Opposition to the changes imposed by the Law and Justice Party

The government wants changes to the 500-plus, including transferring operation of the program to the Social Insurance Institution. This is to provide budget savings. The opposition claims that the change will add to the work of the already overburdened ZUS employees. It also indicates that local governments have invested a lot in the effective operation of the programme.

The second reading took place in the House of Representatives on Thursday The government’s draft amendment to the law on state assistance in raising children. The draft states that the “Rodzina 500 plus” program will be serviced by the Social Insurance Institution, and not – as is now the case – by local governments. It will only be possible to submit claims for benefits online, a The money will be paid in cashless only to the bank account number indicated by the applicant.

Law and Justice Representative Robert Warwas said the planned changes would not make any changes to the family’s rights and availability of the 500 plus benefit.

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