We recognize that intellectual property rights are of utmost importance, and we are committed to honoring them. It has come to our attention that some content may have inadvertently been included on our website that belongs to you or your organization. If this is the case, please accept our sincerest apologies.
We assure you that this was an unintentional oversight and we are taking steps to ensure that it does not occur in the future.
If you are the rightful owner of the content in question, we kindly request that you contact us with the following information: Your Name, Organization Name, Contact Details, URL of the copyright-infringing material, and proof of copyright (URL or legal document). Please send this information to powerhayden58@gmail.com.
Upon receiving the necessary details, we will act promptly to remove the infringing content from our site. We commit to resolving this matter within 48 hours of receiving your communication.
Your understanding and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated.
Movies Online Team