Do dead people get Alzheimer's disease?  An exciting discovery by scientists

So they looked at referrals to the National Prion Clinic in the UK to see if people who had received cadaver injections but had not died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Appearance of signs of cognitive impairment.

And they were right, as it turns out Five of the eight people in the study who received the injections as children developed symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's disease in their 30s, 40s and 50s.. Of the remaining three subjects, one had mild cognitive impairment, one had cognitive symptoms, and one was asymptomatic.

It is true that each of these people underwent a different series of tests, but according to scientists, they exist Evidence for biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease and brain atrophy In the entire group, the occurrence of early dementia in none of these cases was easy to explain.

The findings are based on a previous study that found this Archival samples from these hormone injections contain amyloid beta – The protein that is considered the causative factor for Alzheimer's disease. In an autopsy study of people who received these injections and then died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, beta-amyloid deposits were found in the brain.

This is an exceptionally interesting study because so far We are not sure what causes Alzheimer's disease, and its findings clearly point to a prion nature. This would place Alzheimer's in the same category as other prion diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) and kuru, a brain disease linked to the ritual consumption of the dead in Papua New Guinea.

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