Do you really like Yvon Deschamps?  |  The Journal of Montreal

It’s ironic: in 2023, comedians refer to Yvon Deschamps as a model.

However, the “Yvon Deschamps” era has never been so short.

Provocative, secondary, playing a character that is the opposite of what we think, in short, all of Deschamps’ characterizations are outdated, condemned, condemned and misunderstood.

In 2023, we live in an age of anti-nationalism!

So why do comedians keep claiming him?


on the sides Newspaper, A few days ago, comedian Laurent Paquin (who I adore) was interviewed by my colleague Cédric Bélanger.

“Which comedian inspires you the most and why?” To the question, Bauguin replied: “Yvon Deschamps is still a role model. I think I’m very influenced by him. It’s like the ideal to achieve. Deschamps would be the trap to do. Only Yvon does Deschamps, but we draw inspiration from his justice, his compassion and his sense of provocation. can get.

I’m sure most comedians on stage today would say the same.

However, Deschamps’ trademark was at odds with the values ​​of the time.

In 2019, Guy Nandel wrote “Do Comedians Go Too Far?” That made a wax pop to the public.

Mike Ward tricked the participants by reading jokes by Jean-Francois Mercier or Mariana Massa, which were the result of jokes written and performed on stage by Yvon Deschamps in the 70s and 80s: people were shocked, offended and called the jokes “racist”, “anti-Semitic”, “unacceptable”. , “cheap shot”, “unsightly”.

“Today’s comedians should take Yvon Deschamps as an example,” people responded. When they found out that the cakes in question were Yvon Deschamps, they couldn’t believe it.

“If Yvon Deschamps is the biggest monument in our comedy history, he was able to push the limits of comedy at the time,” said Guy Nantel in his Vox Pop.

Here’s one of Yvon Deschamps’ cakes read by Nantel to the trapped:

“The doctor said that my daughter is not well. I said to my daughter: “Fat, listen to me, daddy knows you’re ugly and fat, but you should be happy, if you dress like you, you can’t be bad. You can be good.”

By the time Deschamps made that joke, the people in the room understood the second degree. In 2019, and even worse in 2023, people have lost the sense of the second degree.

It’s not just the audience, it’s the critics too! Remember, earlier this year, the critic Duty When Guy Nandal said that old people should be eliminated, who did not understand that it was secondary. Duty Accuses Nandel of ageism, damn it!

This summer, all humor gathered around Yvonne Deschamps during the ultimate Just for Laughs Gala. However, Guy Nandell is missing.

However, if the comedian is doing Deschamps in 2023, it’s him!


It’s great to praise Deschamps. But the best way to honor him is to give more space to the “Deschamps method” in our humor.

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