drought in Poland.  IMWW Warnings about Hydrological Drought.  High fire risk in most governorates.  Hydrological Drought – What is it, Definition

Drought is increasing in Poland. On Wednesday, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management issued hydrological drought warnings for parts of Wielkopolska and Luboski region. The riverine states in most parts of the country are low to medium levels. The lack of heavy rains also contributes to the high risk of forest fires. On Wednesday afternoon, the highest level of fire risk was in most areas.

Hydrological drought in Poland

A hydrologic drought warning is issued when current or projected flow values ​​at measurement stations considered representative are below the SNQ for a period of at least 10 days. SNQ is the level that indicates hydrologic drought below, as explained by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. On the other hand, meteorological drought occurs when a significant decrease in the level of groundwater precipitation is observed.

Hydrological drought warnings

Hydrological drought warnings issued on Wednesday pertain to some provinces Greater Poland And Lubowski.

As stated in the announcement, “Due to reduced water flows, in the following days in the central Warta banks area from Wełna to Noteć, water flows are expected to remain below SNQ”. Hydrological drought warning has no expiration date.

IMWM Hydrological Warningstvnmeteo.pl for IMGW

According to data for 8 a.m. on Wednesday, water levels in rivers in Poland were mostly low or medium.

The water level in the rivers on Wednesday at 8IMGW

It’s dry

For several days, the soil moisture index remained very low in some parts of the country. The worst condition is in the western regions and also partly in the center. There are places where both a layer of 0-7 cm and 7-28 cm, the soil moisture index is about 20 percent.

Soil moisture index in a layer of 0-7 cm, May 10IMGW

Soil moisture index in a layer 7-28 cm, May 10IMGW

The highest level of fire risk in nine provinces

Due to insufficient rainfall, the risk of fire in forests remains high.

According to the Forest Research Institute map, at noon, on Wednesday afternoon, the fire risk, defined as high, occurred at least in part in the following counties: LublinAnd SubcarpathianAnd PodlasieAnd MazowieckieAnd ŚwiętokrzyskieAnd SilesiaAnd Lower SilesiaAnd Greater Poland And Lubuskie محافظة province. In most other places, the risk of fire was rated as medium.

Forest fire dangerIBL

Fire risk forecasting is carried out in 60 forecasting zones on the basis of measurements of pine waste moisture, relative humidity of air and precipitation, and the probability of fire is determined on the day of its implementation.

Meteorological measurements are made twice a day at several places in each region. Forecasts are prepared by state foresters during the fire hazard period – from March 1 to September 30.

Main image source: stock struggle

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