Dubai Girls.  He will add about Emil Stępień on Instagram: I trusted him

  • At the beginning of June, Duda announced that she would be releasing Emil Stupio. She announced that the end of their relationship would not affect the work on a joint film – “Girls from Dubai”.
  • Dorota Rabshevska-Stubic and “Girls from Dubai” director Maria Sadowska were not allowed into the studio to shorten the film. Since then, the couple has been battling for the future of film production
  • The star organized a live broadcast on Instagram, during which she revealed that she had not been in contact with her partner for several months. She admitted that she trusted her husband in business matters
  • You can find more of these stories on the Onet homepage

The latest production was scheduled to be released in November in cinemas worm Dubai girls. vocalist z Emil Stupio She worked on the production set for two years and was happy to share photos from the set. In early June, she reported via Instagram that she was divorcing her husband. At the end of September, the first spouses, Emil Stupio, broke up.

“I am angry. (…) I have at least two hours off, so I have decided to call you and not escalate my anger anymore and will try to calm down. If I have no influence on something, I only have influence on the situation, so I can stop worrying about it, for exampleDuda said on Instagram.

On Monday, Duda started another fight with her husbandThis time for the joint film “Girls from Dubai”. Special problems were not supposed to affect their cooperation, but it turned out to be the opposite. The film turned out to be quite long, so Duda and director Maria Sadowska arranged an official editing. However, they were not allowed into the studio by Emil Stępień, who is the only one – according to Duda – who currently owns the rights to the film.

You can find the rest of the article below the video:

He will add about Emil Stępień: He sends annoying messages to my mother

Dorota Rabczewska-Stępień organized a live report on Instagram on Tuesday, during which you can ask her questions about “Girls from Dubai” and her relationship with Emil Stępień. The star said:

Duda was asked if there were lawyers working on rejecting shortening the film. And she answered:

The singer said that she had not called her husband for several months.

During the broadcast, a question was raised about whether it was possible for Emil Stępień to sell Doda’s shares and expel her from the position of president of the company. And the singer replied:

The star admitted that she trusts her partner in business matters.

I signed all the documents he put under my nose. He trusted me on technical matters. I was able to sign a document stating that I waived the rights to the film. The film is his, but the legal and financial consequences are for us, ”- admitted Duda.

She also explained her plan for the upcoming visit to the studio in order to shorten the film with the director:

Duda comments on Emil Stupio’s statement about the chandelier

The singer answered the question posed by the editors of the newspaper Bligada. We wanted to know Duda’s reaction to Emil Steben’s statement sent to us.

“Emil should not speak in this way about a woman. He has given me such a school of life that such statements do not hurt me. He could tell I wasn’t worthy or that I was the fifth wheel of a wagon. I worked, I was in therapy, I was down. I had the worst thoughts, I pushed them too far in my life, but I woke up. I’m up, I’m strong and I have the strength to fight. They hurt me then, but they don’t now. I know my worth and the work I get done. I kept my word as an art producer. I did everything, “- she admitted.

Photo: Andras Szilagyi / MW Media

Duda: I have the strength to fight

And the singer admitted that she does not care about the earnings of “Girls from Dubai”.

I am able to fully refund the fee. You don’t have to make money from the movie. For me, the most important thing is the artistic effect. I know how investors feel, but the problem is that they confused the addressee. With all my looks, I never examined him, never questioned him. I can’t even access my movie account. “I didn’t even make half a deal to get out of it,” she said.

She also added out loud:

“I probably won’t be attending the premiere, because I don’t want to be involved in something like that. If Emil is happy, let him win the glories on that day. I’ll buy a ticket and go to my Maks [Hodgesa, bliskiego znajomego Dody – przyp. red.]– confirmed.

Photo: Piotr Andrzejczak / MW Media

Duda commented on Emil Stupio’s words

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