Ed Sheeran did not steal the ‘Shape of You’ movie

British pop star Ed Sheeran fired two songwriters in London on Wednesday for not stealing for the mega-hit “Shape of You”, one of the world’s most-heard songs.

Read more: In London, Ed Sheeran was charged with plagiarism for the film “Shape of You”.

Ed Sheeran, 31, went to court to defend himself in the case, which he said was a sign of misconduct in the music industry.

Judge Anthony Jagaroli agreed with him: he did not “deliberately” or “vaguely” copy part of the melody of the song “O Way” (2015) by Sami Chokri and Ross O’Donoghue for the planetary tube.

The best-selling title in the world in 2017 was “Shape of You”, which received 3 billion plays on Spotify and nearly 6 billion views on YouTube. It won a Grammy Award for Artist.

According to the judge, there are “obvious similarities” between the two songs, especially the melody on a small pentadonic level, but “significant differences” such as “countless songs from pop, rock, folk and blues”.

The two melodic phrases “play very different roles in their respective songs,” he added.

Saying he was “happy” at the end of the trial, the star lamented on Instagram that “requests like this are becoming more common” with the intention of getting a financial deal even though they are “unfounded”.

“It’s really harmful to the composition,” he added, adding that “coincidences must happen” and that a small number of references are available to large-scale songs produced around the world.

“Rather than proving that we know how to write songs, I hope we can all write songs again,” he concluded.

“I was shocked”

During the ten-day trial in March, both titles aired – as well as, mistakenly, the juice of one of his unpublished songs.

Ed Sheeran later denied ideas of “borrowing” from lesser-known composers, while the plaintiffs’ attorney acknowledged his “genius” and accused him of being a “magpie”, sometimes a thief.

“He borrows ideas and throws them in his songs. Sometimes he agrees with it, sometimes he just doesn’t agree,” he said: “It depends on who you are, if he thinks he can do it without punishment.”

Sami Chokri, better known as Sami Switch, told him he was “shocked” when he first heard “Shape of You” on the radio.

Ed Sheeran and his co-authors Steven McCutcheon and John McDaid had filed an application in the High Court in May 2018 recognizing that there was no copyright infringement.

Two months later, in July, MM. Chokri and O’Donoghue began legal action against them.

The டிகள் 20 million sterling (மில்லியன் 24 million at current rate) has been discontinued by PRS, a joint venture with royalties affiliated with “Shape of You”.

In 2017, Ed Sheeran became the world’s best-selling artist, according to the International Federation of Phonographic Industries (IFPI) with his third album, ‘Dwight’, which included the single ‘Shape of You’.

This is not the first time an artist has been charged with plagiarism. In the United States, heirs of soul legend Marvin Cayenne have accused him of taking a little too much inspiration from “Let’s Get It On” for the success of “Thinking Out Loud”.

He reached a financial agreement in the United States with the authors who accused him of stealing the song “Amazing” for the title “Photo”. The British judge insisted that no responsibility had been taken in the case.

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