Electricity Allowance 2023 – Apply by 1st February.  To whom is the electricity subsidy of 1,000 PLN and 1,500 PLN given?

Electric supplement to electricity 2022
Author: gettyimages
Electricity Allowance 2023 – Application can be submitted from 1 February. Supplements of PLN 1,000 and PLN 1,500 will be paid in March 2023

The 2023 Electricity Allowance is provided for those homes that use electric heating as their main source of heat, but also heat pumps. However, electric heating subsidies are not available to everyone. Who is the electric supplement PLN 1000 and PLN 1500 for? The application can only be submitted until February 1, 2023. How is it?

table of contents

  1. Electricity allowance – applicable only until 1st February 2023
  2. The current application form for an electrician’s allowance
  3. To whom did the electricity exchange 2022/2023?
  4. Electrical addition to heat pumps, but not to photovoltaics!
  5. How do I get an electricity allowance? Circumstances
  6. Electrical accessory without advertisement and CEEB app
  7. Where can I apply for an electricity allowance?
  8. Verify orders

Electricity allowance – applicable only until 1st February 2023

You can apply for payment of electricity allowance Until February 1, 2023 Applications submitted after this date will not be considered. commune on Mony payment He has time Until March 31, 2023

The current application form for an electrician’s allowance

Request for electricity allowance

To whom did the electricity exchange 2022/2023?

One-time electric allowance It is provided to those homes that use electricity for heating, including heat pumps. will be the supplement amount 1000 Polish zlotysWhile in the case of the above annual electricity consumption 5 megawatt hoursHigh up to PLN 1,500.

Electrical addition to heat pumps, but not to photovoltaics!

It is important to know that homeowners who have invested in photovoltaics will not receive an electricity allowance. Even if they also have a heat pump. The law clearly stresses that if a household uses electricity generated from micro-photovoltaic installations, it is not entitled to an electricity allowance.

An electricity allowance is also not paid to households covered by a positively considered application for payment of a coal allowance or an allowance for other heat sources, such as pellets, liquefied petroleum gas, wood or fuel oil.

How do I get an electricity allowance? Circumstances

As a rule, the electricity allowance is linked to the residence address i.e.: One addition per address. However, an amendment to the law provides for the possibility Pay multiple electric allowances for one address and shared stove. These are families who live at the same address but have two different heating sources.

The new rules say so If several families live at the same address but separate premises and use different homes or common heating sources entered or reported in the Central Register of Building Emissions, Then each of these families will be given an electricity allowance.

Reasons for paying the electricity allowance for these homes determined by the mayor, the mayor or the head of the city by an administrative decision, After conducting an environmental interview, which will show that many families live at the same address in separate buildings and that these families use a separate or common heating source.

The amendment also provides (Section 2(2d)) that a mayor, mayor, or city president may enter a heat source into the CEEB, if the source has not been previously reported to the registry, without having to provide the appropriate permit.

Electrical accessory without advertisement and CEEB app

The regulations state that an electric supplement is due when the main source of home heating has not been reported or entered in the CEEB by August 11, 2022, and as a result of an environmental inquiry, it has been confirmed that the source of home heating is electricity. An official note of the environmental interview conducted is prepared. Entry to CEEB is made by the ex officio mayor, mayor or city president without the need to submit a relevant declaration.

Likewise, if the family does not apply for the subsidy, and as a result of the environmental interview it is confirmed that the source of heating the house is electricity – the electricity allowance will be granted.

Where can I apply for an electricity allowance?

Applications can be submitted at the municipality or city office – in person, by mail and online via e-PUAP. Current templates for the letter are available to those interested in municipalities and online. We will receive information about granting a supplement directly from the municipal office or by e-mail.

How to submit an application via e-PUAP? Log in to the e-PUAP portal, then choose from the list of cases: “General Message to a Public Entity”. Choose the appropriate office address and type of letter, attach the application, sign it electronically and send it.

Instructions on how to set up a trusted profile and obtain an electronic signature are below:

Verify orders

It is important to know that the information provided in the application for payment of electricity allowance is subject to criminal liability for making false statements.

If, while checking an application for payment of electricity allowance, the official has doubts about the factual accuracy of the information contained in it, he may conduct an environmental interview. Refusal to agree to the inspection or preventing its implementation will be the basis for refusing to grant the electricity allowance.

The government estimates that it will benefit from the solution About 800,000 families. The government will allocate about 1 billion PLN to pay for electricity.

Source: PAP, Journal of Laws

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