Electricity caps and a tax on windfall corporate profits.  Sassin's idea of ​​an energy crisis

We will not leave weak local governments and institutions alone with rising energy prices– The Ministry of State Finance wrote on Twitter. He added that the prime minister, Jacek Sasin, had sent the prime minister a draft solution that “protects them from massive increases in electricity bills.”

Project assumes The introduction of a maximum energy price at the level of PLN 618.24 / MWh, Which is a 40% increase over the average tariff in 2022 for households, vulnerable consumers and local governments.

Another solution is Taxation of extraordinary corporate profits for 2022, including those from energy companies. This is in order to “provide funds to support vulnerable beneficiaries, local government units, and other beneficiaries.”

Sassin requests urgent examination of the project by the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and It was put to government deliberations next Tuesday, September 27.

Local governments are calling for precautionary measures due to They are just receiving proposals for new energy prices for 2023, which are several times higher than those they are paying this year.

The Mayor of Wroclaw, Jacek Sotrik, announced on Tuesday at a press conferenceThe only bid that was submitted was opened in the 2023 electricity purchase tender. PGE’s bid was based on PLN 405 million. This is an increase of more than 500 percent. In the previous year, our purchasing group in the city, consisting of 270 entities, paid a total of 66 million PLN for electricity. So now we have to pay an additional 339 million PLN. the situation is dangerous. Soutrik said the Polish state is in crisis.

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