Elizabeth II says she has trouble “moving”

Queen Elizabeth II said on Wednesday that she had difficulty “moving” during her first public engagement in person since meeting Prince Charles eight days ago, after which she tested positive for COVID-19.

Read more: No trial, but great expense and spoiled reputation for Prince Andrew

Read more: Agreement between Prince Andrew and Virginia Kiefrev, an American accused of sexually abusing him

Maj. Gen. Elton Miller and his predecessor, Rear Admiral James McLeod, who were in charge of liaison between Queen Elizabeth II and the Armed Forces, were received in the middle of Castle’s main residence at Windsor, about forty miles[40 km]from London. .

In the video of this meeting, the Queen shows them standing, smiling, dressed in formal attire and welcoming them with sticks in their hands. “I can not move as you see,” she said, pointing to her left foot or leg.

According to the British Agency PA, the Queen suffers from mild erections.

Despite this difficulty, the appearance of the 95-year-old Sovereign, who spent a night in the hospital in the fall for no apparent reason, sends a new reassuring signal about his health in a busy environment. British monarchy.

His second son Prince Andrew reached an agreement to end a sexual abuse complaint in the United States and began an investigation into the Charles Foundation of Scotland Yard.

On Tuesday, he received the new ambassadors of Estonia and Spain via video conference.

The services of 73-year-old Prince Charles announced last Thursday that the heir to the British crown had tested positive for COVID – a second time – and was self-isolated. He met his mother 48 hours ago.

The king’s entourage pointed out that she had no symptoms, not to mention whether she had been tested positively or negatively, causing concern.

On Monday, Camilla, 74, the wife of Prince Charles, was informed that Kovid had also been captured.

Queen Elizabeth passed the milestone of 70 years of rule on February 6, a long life unprecedented for the British monarchy. Four days of festivities are planned to celebrate its platinum anniversary.

Her appearance was rare due to her health problems in October, but the palace recently announced the resumption of its public functions: a ceremony in honor of Prince Philip at Westminster Abbey on March 29, her late husband l last year, the Queen’s diplomatic reception in Windsor on March 2 and March To attend the Commonwealth Games on the 14th.

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