Eve Laundry |  Desire to look nowhere else

Actress Eve Laundry will play the lead role in the play from March 15 The enemy of the people, In TNM, then in Trident, in Quebec. First in his rich life. Meeting someone impatient who only asks to explore new paths.

Released yesterday at 7:00 p.m.

Stephanie Morin

Stephanie Morin

They’re all there: Robert Crawl, Andre Lacabelle, Sylvie Tropio, Pierre Lepio … From the top of their posters pasted on the walls, the faces of these sacred monsters overlook Eve Laundry’s Cafe du Novio Monte. Wrapped nicely in an acro woolen cloth, but posed barefoot in sandals. The actress should soon see the inclusion of “his big face” (according to the main interested parties) in the pantheon of artists who have played leading roles in TNM productions.

“It touches me so much to think about it. I had dinner with my mom at Café du TNM a few years ago. I played a supporting role in the play. St. Carmen of the hand. One day when I was interfering on the DNM, I told my mom that her daughter was fine in Montreal and that she was having fun! This is definitely interesting when I think of all the big names that have passed here … ”

Interesting, of course, but the heart of this woman from Boss-Saint-Laurent will be nothing more than the honors bestowed by the inhabitants of her native village of Saint-Pascal-de-Comoros. “There is a piece on the sidewalk with my name and handprint. This gesture touched me so much because my biggest dreams as an 8 year old baby were born. ⁇

These dreams were born in front of the small screen, watching the artists transform themselves into characters before marching in beautiful costumes at the galaxy … They took her to the Montreal Conservatory, where she was accepted from her first trial. In 2007 she came out of a place full of hopes and doubts.

Go beyond the characters of the saints

In September 2012, Date of airing of the first episodeUnit 9, Eve Laundry entered the audience’s life like a hurricane. We learned to hate her – before we loved her – in the role of prisoner Jean Bron. Her carol made us cry Do you hear me? And the role of his lieutenant Melanie Charon brought a little harshness to the post District 31.

Photo by Radio-Canada

Inside Eve Laundry Reasonable doubt

He is an intriguing, wealthy and charming doctor in the Canadian radio detective series Reasonable doubt. This character finally allowed Jean and Caroline to change into jogging pants to high heels and designer clothes. “I think this is the first time I went to CCM [costume, coiffure, maquillage] Anything other than a tattoo! Says the 36-year-old actress.

“I played a lot of mechanics, little educated women. Since I left Jean Prone, I wanted to move elsewhere as an actress and play different roles. I want to tap into the strong woman and mom inside me. These are features I have not yet been able to explore on TV. Going to areas where torture is low and having more confident women playing is fun. ⁇

Are women as confident as she is? “I have faith in myself, yes, but I have no feeling about the reaction of my characters. I have a big mouth, but no argument!”

The first big stock on the boards

In theater, he will have the opportunity to defend a leading role for the first time in his life The enemy of the people, Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. “When I was given the role, D.C.D. Katherine Stockman, I did not hesitate. Then came the dizziness! I wondered, I still wondered, how I would get there! Theater is a marathon. I have been boosting my immunity since September to make sure I am in good condition!

“So close to this character! More than me. She firmly believes that she is right. I have more doubts. I realized that we can never change anyone’s mind. I want to educate the non-stop motorist, guarding my energy rather than getting angry! Katherine, she never leaves. In danger of getting lost … ”

A natural power

Even though this is the first time the two women have worked together, there is no doubt that director Edith Badenad will discover the truth of this strong character Eve Laundry.

“Eve has always been around me. We were roommates for a while in Quebec when she came to play in the play at Trident. I was looking for a strong actress to play Katherine, but she also has a very favorite side. Eve has everything. ⁇

Photo by Marco Campanosi, Press Archives

Edith Badonat, DirectorThe enemy of the people

She is hot without pressure. She is a very cool woman, with strong natural powers.

About Edith Badonat, Director, Eve Laundry

In Ibsen’s play, published in 1882, dR. Stockman is a man. Thomas Stockman, who believes in helping the villagers by teaching them that the water coming from the spa is polluted, finds himself marginalized from the community by his fellow citizens, the media and political forces. Edith Badenad has decided to feminize this character. “If we do not question gender in the repertoire theater, there will always be inequality between men and women. These texts were written for men and men at the time … we can no longer take the gender of the characters casually, except for the appearance of the actors who describe them. ⁇

“However, I did not choose Eve for her androgenic energy, but because she’s socially attractive. We want to impress him! She can make a strong speech readable, and with all that emotion. She’s a wonderful actress, very hard worker.

The enemy of the people, Despite its dramatic meaning, is not a play devoid of humor, Edith Badenad recalled. Here, the comedy does not rest on the shoulders of Eve Laundry’s character, but, according to the director, has everything the actor needs, including the best sense of humor. Time, And to illustrate itself in the comic record. “Eve can be so much fun, even if she gives something serious. She’s so talented to be aya!”

Fun beyond itself

Eve Laundry, a comedian? Especially in the National League of Improvements (LNI), despite being a star developer for many years, the artist is skeptical of himself. “I’m never seen myself having fun. Besides, I’m never been jealous of comedy characters coming on TV, while I’m not jealous of all theatrical characters!

Photo by David Boyle, Law Press Archives

In the collection of Florence Longbray and Eve Laundry Do you hear me?

“This is wrong,” says his longtime girlfriend, Florence Longbray. Eve is so funny, maybe even beyond herself! I have no hesitation in giving him a comedy role. One thing is for sure, Florence Longbray did not hesitate to entrust his best friend and hand over Caroline’s most attractive character in her series. Do you hear me?, The character that was openly created for her. “I know she’s very talented; Even though he has a few lines, I also know how tough she is going to put in defending this character. With Caroline, everything had to go face to face and speechless. ⁇

Today, when I look back at how far Eve has come, I am so proud of her. Damn she’s beautiful!

Florence Longbray

Beauty … impatient. Florence Longbray confirms this: The tattoo Eve Laundry wore on her forearm – “Don’t forget you’re impatient” – was very precise. “It’s true she’s impatient, but for me, it makes me laugh! ⁇

Eve Laundry admits that this tattoo helps set her limits, not to ask herself that it is impossible. “My children, ages 5 and 4, ask themselves: ‘Mom, have we exceeded your limits?’ But this impatience also helps me in my work.When I get texts, I swallow them even at night!

Florence Longbray adds with a laugh: “Eve has another tattoo that she’s less proud of: the very ugly tattoo of the mask that Jean Qui laughs and Jean Qui cries. You can write!

It’s over.

The enemy of the peopleTNM from March 15 to April 9 and Trident from April 19 to May 14

Led by Eve Laundry No families

Photo by UNIS TV

Eve Laundry went to meet different families for the documentary series No families.

Another first: Eve Laundry will host the documentary show from April 7th No families, On United TV. “I went to Quebec and Canada to meet 13 different families who have chosen to live by their principles and their values: a family that has been riding a bicycle for 11 years, a father in Antigosti, a zero waste family … every meeting at home is a career choice that I, my boyfriend and I made When I received the offer, the epidemic had been going on for a year. I could not resist. My boyfriend even advised me to leave so that good would happen to everyone! I need to go out and meet people! I think this show made me a better mom.

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