‘Everybody’s Talking About It’ (TLMP) Awkward Moment

switching Everyone is talking about it By Lisa Ray, daughter of former construction magnate Tony Accurso, continues to provoke reactions. Described as awkward and “comfortable”, the interview illustrates the perils of live, according to the producer, who had no regrets about giving the businessman a place on his set on Sunday evening. There is no question of going back to the recorded and revised formula to prevent such discomfort from recurring.

“It’s true that people who aren’t used to media, like a collection Everyone is talking about it. But you have to take the risk. You don’t always see the same faces. […] Since we went live, two and a half years ago, we must have had 350 guests, a first to my knowledge. It’s a good average,” argued Guy A. Lepage in an interview want.

Contrary to popular belief, the show’s host and co-producer Mme At the last minute, on his own initiative, Ray did not go on the air without doing an interview first. Even though Lisa Ray’s arrival was announced hours before the show, Guy A said her presence was planned for “two days”. Lepage notes.

It is true that the daughter of Tony Accurso, who changed her last name three years ago, became involved with the group. Everyone is talking about it. But she had to speak with a researcher beforehand, like any guest. During this pre-interview, he explained, among other things, that he had nothing to do with the arson attack that destroyed his home in Deux-Montagnes last week. His vision seemed credible and coherent enough that the team thought it appropriate to invite him on Sunday evening.

“The pre-interview went really well. I expected her to explain why she was unfairly targeted. I think that’s what she meant. But I have the idea of ​​living together Everyone is talking about it It confused her,” says Guy A. LePage, on the other hand, was able to ask him all the questions he wanted.


Half-heartedly, the former member of the RBO admits, however, that not all the answers he had hoped for. For good reason, the businessman was evasive several times during the interview, especially when he was asked about his relationship with his famous father. Convicted in 2018 including fraud and corruption. For example, when it came to his name change, he launched into a long response about personal growth.

“In 2012, when everything broke […] I fell into a void. This was the beginning of a big change for me. […] Earlier I was unable to give birth. As soon as it was gone I had a baby. That was the first miracle. Later, I did a lot of personal development training and I met people. Before 2012, [il y avait] Lisa Ackerso and, since 2012, I started to become a woman,” explained a person not involved in the family empire.

According to her LinkedIn page, Lisa Ray has been president of frozen food company MS3 Food since 2016, although its website is no longer active. Many on social networks commented that Tony Accurso’s daughter invited him to the set of the show instead of talking about the fire.

“So, it looks like it didn’t work, from what I understand,” Guy A said, referring to the deluge of negative reactions following the show’s airing Sunday evening.

“It’s not really clear what Accurso’s daughter’s interest is [Tout le monde en parle] Except for going [télé] Danny Turcotte, the show’s former comedian, even tweeted during the show. Offer in package Everyone is talking about it To promote his new documentary on Sunday evening, host Paul Arcand qualified for an interview with M after appearing on the previous day’s show during his press review on Monday morning.me Ray of “Psychotronics” and “Deep Illness” in the studio.

There is no assembly

“It’s true that it’s not the interview of the century”, acknowledges Guillaume Lespérance, the other producer. Everyone is talking about itjoined Duty Monday.

Guillaume Lesperance admits that this moment of television would undoubtedly have been less painful if it had been shot on Thursdays and edited over the weekend before broadcast. But he refuses to return to the original concept. The directness adopted during the pandemic to better keep up with changing news has been beneficial, even if it takes the risk of accommodating guests who stray from their path.

“Everything is moving so fast now. A lot was going on between Thursday and Sunday, and it was a festival of adjustments and corrections. Live, an interview like this is sure to happen again, but it’s a risk worth taking,” says the producer pieces, adding that there is nothing to blame his team of researchers for this story.

Lisa Ray did not return our calls Monday.

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