Ewa Schneidy, former choir singer Marila Rudovich on “The Voice Senior”.  The coach is in shock!

She was on her way to a musical career. 64 years Ewa Shenedy, who will perform on Saturdays at Auditions in the Dark, started her adventure with theater when she was a teenager.

“The door to my career was opened by the Post-Secondary Studium in Estrada Poznańska. In the artistic theater studio, I studied with the names known at the moment – Magorzata OstroskaAnd Wanda KoetniuskaAnd Grzegorz Stróżniak. During my studies, I was offered a job in a choir orchestra Zbigniew Journey. In the same year, we went to two festivals – in Opole and Sopot. I was on this big podium and it was great … – recalls the participant in the third edition of “The Voice Senior”.

At the news that Ewa Onyadi sang in the choir of one of the most famous orchestras in our country at that time, the coaches of the “Voice of Poland” were surprised.

“Did you sing backing vocals for each other?” she asked Alicia Majuska. “Once upon a time, Mrs. Marella. She was in Opole in the year 79” – revealed Ewa Nyadi.

“I?” Surprised she replied Marella Rudovic. During the conversation, Ewa also told why she gave up singing for so many years.

“I was drawn to a solo career on stage, but I put my dreams aside for a while. I built a house, had children, and this family life gave me great pleasure for many years, so I don’t regret anything,” Ewa admitted.

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