Faster and cheaper internet?  The era of nanoparticles is coming

To begin with, it is worth explaining what they are nanoparticles. In short, it is the smallest possible particle of matter, the diameter of which is 1 to 100 nm. With advanced technology you can create Nanoparticles consist of several hundred atoms at most. You can’t see them with the naked eye, but they have amazing properties. One of them may be critical in speeding up data transmission on the Internet.

The size of nanoparticles compared to other materials:

  • Atom: 0.1 nm
  • Nanoparticles: from 1 to 100 nanometers
  • PM2.5 pollen in air: 100 to 2500 nm
  • Paper thickness: 100,000nm

Although hard to believe, the properties of matter change as you get closer to the atomic scale. This means that for example Nanoparticles Copper has very different properties from the copper known to all of us, because it begins to be … hard and durable. A whole new world unknown to physicists has opened up with the advent of nanoparticles.

scientists z Australian National University (ANU) They started with nanoparticles light manipulation. They covered the tiny glass slides with nanoparticles, each cylinder-shaped. It was too small 12,000 nanoparticles can fit the cross section of a human hair!

Cylinders consist of two layers of silicon and silicon nitride. Each layer reacts to light in a completely different way and can be manipulated. It turns out that this makes it possible to make equations of transistors from nanomaterials. Scientists are convinced that in a moment the computers we know will go down in history, because the era of miniaturization is approaching, which future scientists did not even dream about.

Another discovery was that Nanoparticles They can be used in quantum computers. Instead of hundreds of microprocessors, one glass panel is enough, which will be covered with nanoparticles with different properties that will perform all the tasks of an integrated circuit.

A supercomputer on a plate the size of a human fingernail? Thanks to nanotechnology, this is not science fiction, but the near future.

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