Films of 2022. The 24 best films according to the Filmweb editorial office
You already know our list Most anticipated movies of 2023. We have also provided you with a list The most interesting series. So it’s time for a movie recap of the last 12 months. Here is the list of the best movies of 2022.

Up Movie – We Summed Up 2022 in Cinema

Best films of 2022. What did Filmweb editors vote for?

As was the case with the most anticipated films of 2023, the following list is as much a surprise to you as it is to the editors. Its form was determined by the total points collected. Everyone who participated in the vote was asked to make a personal list of the best films of the past year. On this basis, points were awarded for individual titles, and their sum determined the final standings. Members of the editorial board can vote for all films distributed in Poland between January 1 and December 31, 2022.

That’s why the list includes films that sometimes had world premieres in previous years. However, there were no titles that could be seen in Poland last year only at festivals and reviews, or they did not appear legally in our country at all.

Important: The type of distribution is not important. Thus, the list includes both cinema movies and those that can be watched thanks to streaming platforms. According to members of the Web Film editorial staff, the year 2022 has been full of recommended titles. A total of 66 films were submitted to the list. However, only 24 of them reached the qualifying minimum.

Before we introduce you to the best movies of the year, here’s an honorable mention. These are titles that have been voted for by at least two people, but didn’t score enough points to be on the main roster.

The silent twins
“The Tragedy of Macbeth”
“Chip and Dale: RR Brigade”
‘No change in the West’
Paris, 13th arrondissement.
“Bodies, Bodies, and Bodies”

The 24 best films of 2022 in Poland according to Filmweb

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