Final Fantasy VII Remake for PC is another bug this year, according to DF

Final Fantasy VII Remake It sparked a lot of controversy even before its first official presentation on PC. Unfortunately, there is more after debut. According to journalists digital foundry The game has major optimization and fluidity issues. However, it doesn’t stop there

RTSS doesn’t seem to pick up on frame rate issues w FFVIIR. It shows you that the game is running at 60 frames per second, when in fact it certainly isn’t. PresentMon does not reflect what is on the screen.

?? Books³ Alexandre Battaglia And Twitter

RTSS ?? Riva Tuner Statistics Server is a tool to monitor the operation of the graphics card, CPU and system memory while playing the game.

the present ?? A program that allows you to measure the fluidity of the animation displayed on the screen.

Liquidity problems are not the only problem FFVIIR. As we can read outlet Ars Technica Some major graphics settings are missing in the game. For example: We are unable to set anti-aliasing or disable V-sync. After all, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

as Discover A Reddit fan, Final Fantasy VII Remake Went to Epic Games Store in development/patch version, not the proper version?? For general use. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that this may be one of the causes of the above technical problems.

Looking at all of the above?? Remake, the price of PLN 339, which will have to be paid for, looks more rip From reality. The perfect summary of the case Final Fantasy VII Remake So are Alex Battaglia’s previously mentioned words:

This is literally the worst AAA game I’ve seen in a long time on PC.

?? comment It can be found in the forum discussion RESTERA.

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