First the harsh words said by Robert Maclovich, and now this gesture.  Here's what he donated to WOŚP

Robert Maclovich He's become known as a prominent cooking critic and avid traveler, but few people know that he's also… a sports fan. In an interview with, he mercilessly answered a question about the Polish national football team. At the end of last year, they lost their chance to directly qualify for the 2024 European Championship. Michel Probiers' team still has a chance to play in the qualifiers, but the general atmosphere surrounding the team is not the best.

He added, “Maybe we will not talk about the current level of our football team if we do not want to kill ourselves or flog ourselves. We should talk about ways to treat it and fix the situation in the institutions that manage local football, but this is not the case.” About me – I have no influence on the Polish Football Association, I am interested in football, however I rarely watch matches lately” – Makovic explained.

He had a lot of nice things to say about other majors. He revealed that although he watches volleyball occasionally, he always enjoys it, just like handball. He is also fascinated by rugby. However, he is not affected by basketball emotions.

Not basketball, because looking at myself I don't think people can be that great. (…) Basketball never fascinated me. However, volleyball – yes, because it is a great discipline. I used to play badminton, incorrectly called Babington, but I never followed the matches. I have a ping pong table at home and play it sometimes

~ – he said.

The item donated by Robert Macovich to the cause is also sports-related The Great Christmas Charity Orchestra.

Dawid Kubacki before the World Ski Flying Championships: I hope to do my job well. video/INTERIA.TV/INTERIA.TV

As part of the 32nd annual Christmas Charity Orchestra Grand Finale, you can bid on skates from Makłowicz. What is the price of?

Robert Makłowicz responded to the request of Jurek Owsiak and WOŚP to donate items from the heart to the auction at the 32nd end of the campaign. They went to the auction on behalf of the cooking critic Stöckli skis with bindings And the signature of the current owner. At this moment (January 28, at 7:40 AM), the bidding amount has reached PLN 4,550.

“The skis from the premium Swiss company Stöckli are old but serviceable The heroine of several Alpine episodes of the Landlord's TV adventures. It's a real treat – for both winter sports enthusiasts and collectors! It is a slalom model, additionally signed by the owner. “The skis are equipped with Tyrolean bindings,” we read in the description.

Those who know Mackovic should not be surprised that such an item was donated to the Great Christmas Orchestra Charity. Columnist for years Because he skates Whenever possible and opportunity presents, competition in alpine skiing follows.

I'm skating. I love alpine skiing and when I'm in alpine countries watching it, it's impossible to escape from it there

~ – admitted to

At the same time, he also talked about another winter sport, ski jumping. “The fashion for jumping only started when we started winning. In our country, it's generally the same with watching sports. After all, no one here watched Formula 1 until Kubica started racing,” he recalls. Then he concluded bitterly: “I'm afraid that if we knock on wood, our jackets will not return to their normal state soon, then Poles will stop watching ski jumping. Because in my humble opinion, many people don't want to watch ski jumping here, only those people want to watch Polish competitors win in ski jumping.

Robert Maclovich/Kornikovsky/Akba

Robert Maclovich/Jan Grazynski/East News

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