Fourth wave of Corona virus in Poland.  Dr. Grzysewski: Vaccination does not die from COVID-19 (video)

Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, immunologist and consultant to the Supreme Medical Council on COVID-19, was a guest on WP’s ‘newsroom’. The doctor said how, in his opinion, the fourth wave of coronavirus infections will continue in Poland.

There is certainly one optimistic piece of information. Vaccinated people do not die (from COVID-19 – editorial note) and are not as bad as unvaccinated people. This is good news for all who have been vaccinated and those who plan to be vaccinated in the coming days, Dr.

The doctor adds that the majority of people are hospitalized because of COVID-19 They are the people who did not accept vaccinations.

– If we do not want to die from COVID-19 and do not want serious complications to occur, we simply have to get vaccinated, because data from Polish hospitals indicate that the ratio of unvaccinated people to vaccinated people is more or less 10 to 1. This means that out of 10 critically ill people, one is vaccinated and nine are not immunized The expert explains.

We remind you of this in Poland vaccination work Started on Dec 27, 2020. 22,600 were made in the last 24 hours Vaccination against COVID-19. To date, a total of 373,31309 vaccines have been administered in Poland, and the number of fully vaccinated people is 1,9500.218.

Everyone, regardless of whether they have insurance, can count on medical help in case Corona virus infection And get a free vaccination.

Find out more by watching the video

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