Fuel prices from January 1.  PKN Orlen changes wholesale price list

On Saturday, December 31, PKN Orlen announced a wholesale fuel price cut. The cost of unleaded petrol is 95 EUR 5245 PLN per cubic metre. Compared to PLN 5936 the previous day. Super Plus petrol costs 98 PLN 5543 per cubic meter. instead of PLN 6265 on Friday. Ekodiesel diesel oil has also become cheaper at PLN 6,895 per cubic metre. up to PLN 6057. According to economist Rafai Mundry, this represents a decrease of 12 percent. During the day.

Wholesale fuel prices [zł/metr sześc.]



he is


Polish zloty 5245

Polish zloty 5,543

Polish zlotys 6057,000 Polish zlotys


Polish zloty 5936

Polish zloty 6,265

Polish zloty 6895

Tomorrow the value added tax on fuel will rise from 8 percent. To 23 percent and if they reduce VAT today and add VAT tomorrow, it will be the same. Drivers paid more than PLN 700 per ton? PKN Orlen, why the change? Mandry asked on Twitter.

The rest of the article is under the video

See also: The value added tax on fuel has returned. “Let’s add PLN 1 to each fuel price. That’s what the math says”

Monry wrote in his Twitter entry directly about the “miracles on Orleans”. “Today, wholesale prices for Pb95, Pb98 and Orlen diesel oil are 12 percent cheaper overnight. The zloty and crude oil are unchanged.”

Andrei Dominsky, chief economist at the Civil Institute, spoke in a similar tone. “So it is possible! After months of omitting a huge margin, Orlen is cutting wholesale fuel prices by 0.70-80 PLN per liter every day. Just one day before the return of the higher VAT rate,” he wrote on Twitter.

VAT return, as scheduled European CommissionAnd the It should not have a significant impact on the price of fuel at our stations. We will do our best to keep prices stable and we will keep our word – emphasized Daniel Opajtek on TVP1’s “Gość Wiadomości”.

The same company recently refuted allegations of higher fuel prices in the context of reported profits, claiming only 4 percent in the third quarter. operating profit came from Sales at Polish petrol stations, including coffee or sausages. “PKN Orlen’s fuel sales results show that the company is neither taking advantage of a difficult situation nor taking money off drivers,” we read in a statement to Business Insider.

On January 1, the value added tax on fuel was increased. “Some companies made a pillow.”

According to the latest e-petrol.pl forecasts, average prices at gas stations in Poland from January 1 to January 8, 2023 should be in the following ranges:

Two factors will be responsible for the increase in fuel prices at the beginning of the year: 23% VAT return plus new fuel cost. Therefore, experts predict that there may be significant price differences between individual stations. All because of the time differences that they will be in supply in fuel.

A few weeks ago, analysts warned that the end of the year would not bring significant reductions in fuel prices, even if this was supported by a drop in crude oil or bulk fuel prices or a change in the relationship between the zloty and the dollar. High margins for station operators, obtained from fuel sales, Make room for great discountsespecially since crude oil prices are falling, and the wholesale market is also discounting, ”- commented e-petrol.pl experts at the end of November.

In the same vein, Dr. Marian Noga, former member of the Monetary Policy Council, comments on the return of the higher value-added tax rate on fuel from the new year.

despite Some companies have made themselves a financial cushion, that is, they do not reduce prices as much as they can, so that in January and February they are similar to today’s prices. – he said in an interview with money.pl.

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