fuel prices.  Stations sell for less than purchase cost.  That is why it is still cheaper than PLN 6 per liter

This is not the first time in history that gas stations sell them to customers at a cheaper price than the wholesale price of Poland’s largest fuel supplier, that is, PKN Orlen. But there was never such a big difference before. Let’s hurry to refuel before Christmas, because this situation may not continue after Christmas.

  • Stations keep prices below wholesale prices for more than a month
  • Negative margins have never been this big before, and the time for the station’s losses in fuel sales hasn’t lasted more than two months. Soon prices may jump above PLN 6
  • Fuel prices are critical to current inflation rates
  • Diesel prices are kept lower than gasoline. Orlin confirms this, reporting margins several times higher on gasoline
  • More such information can be found on the home page of Onet.pl

– Only in Poland, everything was done to make prices among the lowest in Europe. Had it not been for the actions of the Polish government that is fighting the fuel mafia and improvements made by Orlen, it Prices had long exceeded 7 PLN per liter He argued a few days ago PKN President Orlen Daniel Obajtek in an interview with “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.

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