Gdańsk.  Oil leaks into the Baltic Sea.  The solution is special mats

Small fuel spills during port works are a daily occurrence. So Gdańsk decided on it Regular inspections at three places in the port channel – There are sensors at Drzewny station, Zbożowe pier and the port entrance. They check if there is oil, crude oil or gasoline in the water. The technologically advanced sensors are placed in three locations on the buoys.

– We monitor air quality and monitor noise levels now We also decided to control oil pollution in the water – said Piotr Bora, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Port of Gdańsk, in an interview with Polsat News.

Gdańsk. Oil leakage inspection was organized

Data is collected Twice an hour And transfer it to a special power unit. A solar panel battery must operate 24 hours a day all year round. The collected data is then analyzed and published on the port’s website.

Watch: Mysterious leak from the ship. The country is considering a state of emergency

Preliminary analyzes show this The level of petroleum substances in the Baltic Sea was exceeded twice during the testing month. The main purpose of continuous monitoring is to be able to quickly respond in the event of a leak and contact the appropriate services. However, these cases were not severe enough to require intervention.

– It's not about whether there is a problem, it's about making sure that when something comes up, we know about it immediately – explained Piotr Bora.

Oil leaks into the Baltic Sea. The solution is special mats

In places where leaks may occur frequently – such as ports and shipyards – they can be useful Special mats Made from animal hair and human hair. The mats are designed to remove petroleum materials from water.

-One mat can absorb Up to nine kilograms The president said the oil purifies approximately 850,000 liters of water Malachite Minds Foundation Magdalena Malinowska.

Video: Water leaking into the Baltic Sea

Such a rug can be made within an hour One kilogram of hair and fur. This type of idea was first tested in the United States. During an oil leak from one of the tanks, a hairdresser noticed an otter swimming in a dirty tank covered in oil, but the water around it was clean – hence the idea.

The foundation collects hair and fur. Treated materials benefit the environment

The materials needed to make the special mats can be delivered to Malachite Minds, which will process them. Hair and fur are a never-ending material, or perhaps Benefits the environment.

See: Estonia. There are dozens of shipwrecks at sea. One can contain up to several hundred tons of fuel

Mats are also used in other areas. They work well for Ban oil from the streetsSo that it does not flow into sewage wells. The foundation's money comes from the mats sold Donates to psychological assistance for young people.

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