Germany contributes a net €25 billion to the EU budget, but earns more than five times that amount, €132 billion annually.

According to the dpa agency’s calculations, Germany contributed about €25.1 billion to EU net spending in 2021. At the same time, according to the government in Berlin, Germany benefits most from the EU’s single market, earning more than five times as much, to €132 billion annually. .

The end of “German chemistry” and inferior products for the Poles? Revolutionary regulations come

On January 1, 2023, new regulations protecting consumers, including the elderly, will enter into force – reminded UOKiK, adding that they will facilitate the fight against …

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When asked by the dpa news agency about Germany’s specific contributions to the EU budget, the European Commission did not want to comment on this data. The office has not published balance sheets for some time because it fears the numbers are being used as a political tool – for example by opponents of the European Union in net-contributing countries.

Furthermore, the Commission notes that the benefits of EU membership cannot be inferred from budget figures alone. It argues, for example, that the financial advantages enjoyed by exporting countries such as Germany Because free movement of goods is neglected in this equation.

They pay a lot, but they get more

According to dpa agency calculations, Germany contributed to EU expenditures in 2021 About 25.1 billion euros net. At the same time, according to the government in Berlin, Germany benefits more from the EU single market, earning more than five times more from it, because As much as 132 billion euros annually.

Putin wants to fix Nord Stream. Will the gas pipeline between Russia and Germany return?

The German portal “RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland” reported that Russia plans to repair Nord Stream pipelines. According to journalists and experts …

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According to the Federal Government’s website, “No European economy benefits as much from the EU single market as the German economy.” Germany contributes a lot of money to the EU pool, but reaps more benefits from it.

How much German exports have ended up in the EU single market?

According to figures published on the German government’s website in February 2022, the European single market “increases per capita income by 1,000 euros per year.”

In addition, the common market guarantees sales channels for German companies. According to the government in Berlin in 2020 67.1 percent of German exports went to the EU single market.

Moreover, about 28 percent of German jobs depend on exports thus from the internal market of the European Union – Added on the website of the German government.

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#eu budget

# Deposits

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