Germany has an education problem.  A worrying trend

In Germany, the number of young people leaving school is increasing. In 2022, the early school leaving rate in this country was 12.2%, while in the entire European Union it was only 9.6%, and this is according to Eurostat data – we read on

They are ahead of our western neighbor only Romania – 15.6% and Spain – 13.9%. And in Hungary – 12.4 percent.

Compared with 2018, the average indicator in the European Union improved by 0.9 percentage points. During the same period, Germany's dropout rate worsened by 1.9 percentage points.

More and more Germans are dropping out of school. The minister responds

German Minister of Education Bettina Stark Watzinger They reacted strongly to these data, calling for immediate action and policy change in education. -You should start with basic skills such as Reading, writing and arithmetic. The fact that Germany once again has the fourth highest dropout rate in Europe is something we should be concerned about, she said.

The Minister of Education stressed that “Every school dropout is one too many. “It's not just about the future of the children, it's also about the well-being of our country.”

The “Start Chances” program will soon be implemented in areas particularly affected by the problem of school dropouts.

However, she believes there is more to be done. Support from the side is necessary Local communities and family participation.

“+49” – a program about what is happening in Germany/

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