Germany: “The most dangerous animal in the world” appeared in the state of Hesse

Hazardous specimens were discovered in Floersheim and Hirschhorn. “Attentive citizens recognized them and sent the small insects to the relevant authorities,” the Hessian Environment Ministry in Wiesbaden said.

According to the Institute of Tropical Medicine. Bernhard Nochta (BNITM), the Asian tiger mosquito, is a carrier of many tropical viral diseases, especially dengue fever, writes in the Frankfurter Rundschau daily.

“As a result of the globalization of international trade in goods, mosquitoes have spread from Asia to a large part of the world. The Asian tiger mosquito has also settled in some European countries south of the Alps. To transmit disease, it first needs to bite a human carrying the appropriate virus.”

A BNITM study, for example, found that the Zika virus “can be transmitted by the tiger mosquito, but for this to happen, temperatures must be at least 27°C for at least 14 days — a period of heat, despite the heat High. Summer, it is almost not performed in our country “- notes FR. Therefore, “do not panic at the moment.”

As of 2018, these “ten millimeter in diameter black-and-white mosquitoes” have already been found in Hesse. However, the transmission risk of tiger mosquitoes is low, says the Ministry of Environment. The monitoring system will closely monitor the spread of mosquitoes so that they are in In due time, preventive measures can be taken. However, people who are bitten by mosquitoes should be especially careful “- writes FR.

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