Gin-Ed: Gin bearing the image of Jeanette Renault

“I never thought I would have a bottle of gin with my face, and you’re going to wipe it too!”, Jeanette Reno recently introduced to her son Pascal. This madness is in this gin bottle called gin-ed because it bears the image of his famous mother.

It all started with a simple phrase: gin-ed. Pascal’s Renault, son of restaurant and entrepreneur Pascal Renault, also said what a perfect name to start a Quebec gin bearing the image of a great local singer.

“Of course, in the beginning, my mom would tell me ‘My face is on the gin!’ With a smile. But I said it would be okay. We have to keep the moms safe just like all the kids basically have to do. Then, if the moms are safe, we’m fine, we’re having fun.”

Since 75-year-old Janet Reno is not a heavy drinker, it is important to first explain to her that today’s gin is more refined, colorful, and more trendy than her memories of the “Big Gin” era.

With his blessing, Les Spiritueux was the first product to be offered by Raynault – the company he co-manages with Martine Ladouceur because he wants to develop other products in the future – co-created with Distillery Les Subversifs. While discussing her personal tastes with Ginet, the singer mentioned chamomile, lemon and grapefruit.

“I’m the kind of mentally ill person who thinks the same way about business, I have a mother who says yes,” he adds. Having plans is what keeps her alive and keeps her energetic. She occupies herself as much as she can, mentally and physically. Have fun! ”

One hundred bottles autographed by Janet Renault slipped in approximately lots shipped to SAQ (pre-sold). “Everyone is lucky to see one of these unique bottles!”

  • Gin-Ed is exclusively available on the SAQ website

She was hospitalized for six days last October for heart problems – just like when she was in Florida in 2014 – and Jeanette Renault wrote on her Facebook page that returning home was “like a novelty”.

“She’s fine, she’s relaxing, she’s going on vacation,” her son explains. She relaxes and takes vacations for herself. I think she needs it, it’s the best thing for her, she takes care of herself. ”

Did his mother’s recent health concerns worry the family? “I know my mom, I know she’s very strong, she has a lot more businesses, so she’s not letting us go at any time,” he replied. She still has gas, and the little hamster still runs a hundred miles an hour. ”

“There are people who are going to retire and play golf; My mom, it will never be. Like music and cinema, writing and projects are what keep her alive. Jeanette has many spheres to grow, which is amazing and transforms her from a business of sixty years into a talented woman. ”

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