Good Friday 2022. Ukrainian and Russian families will carry the cross at the Colosseum.  Father Bowie Gusinski: I think Pope Francis is overcharging

Pope Francis rushes forward and suddenly everyone is confused and asks: What’s going on – said in “one for one” Father Paweł Gużyński, a Dominican. In this way he commented on the Pope’s decision to entrust two families, the Ukrainian and the Russian, to bear the cross at the thirteenth leg of the Way of the Cross in the Roman Colosseum.

Good Friday is held at the Roman Colosseum, chaired by Pope Francis the way of the cross. The Pope entrusted his friends – a nurse from Ukraine, Irina and Alina from Russia, and their families to carry the cross on the thirteenth leg. The two women also wrote meditations to be read on this station.

Father Pawe Gusinsky said on Friday on the “One for One” program on TVN24 that he “heard the statements of one of the Dominican fathers, who is still in Kyiv with other brothers.”

The brothers face everything that exists and I listened to what they said through this cross and about the position of Pope Francis. Of course, as clergy, we try to be very nice, because in the end he is the Pope, and it is not right to criticize him. However, with all the reservations, they said: the Pope exaggerated this method of the cross, because it was not this stage – he said.

– It is not at this point that we can build what the Pope is so much about, that is, a certain fraternity, fraternity, reconciliation, and understanding. “Let’s not jump over the stage of justice,” he added.

Father Gusinsky ruled that “the Pope rushed forward and suddenly everyone was confused and asked: What is this?”

“I think Francesc has exaggerated his accusations,” he added.

The Way of the Cross will be celebrated in the ColosseumDanilo Schiavela / ANSA / PAP / EPA

Father Gużyński: The Pope has become, in a way, his pacifist hostage

The Pope has repeatedly called for peace in Ukraine, but avoids indicating who the aggressor is, for which he is sometimes criticized. An entry in the Pontifex profile, which has been edited in nine papal languages, has sparked controversy. In it, the Pope wrote, “We are all guilty!”.

When Father Gusinsky was asked whether the Pope had failed, he replied: “Of course I have heard many different comments in which the position of the Pope, and his words, have been called, very forcefully, as moral degradation, as some kind of degradation of the Church itself.”

“I think that, after all, these are very strong words, but in this context, if we see pictures from Bokza, Hostomil, and other places, I am not surprised that people are forced to do this,” he said.

“I will try to inform the Pope that he has hurried forward and can do more harm than good,” said the guest, “one for one.”

In his opinion, “the Pope has, in some way, become a hostage of his pacifism” and “such a Soviet tank is advancing so hard, although the public does not quite understand it.”

Main image source: Danilo Schiavela / ANSA / PAP / EPA

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