Google Maps with new solutions.  Artificial intelligence will tell you how to go

Google Maps allows us to indicate the type of driving in the car in which we travel for a long time. For some time now, an electric motor has also been available. Andrew Forster, head of this division at Google, announced the launch of more new products – mainly useful for owners of electric cars, but not only.

Google announces the expansion of its application regarding planning trips by electric car. Its purpose is to take into account the network of available chargers, including information on their real-time occupancy. By knowing the battery charge level and current consumption, the application will suggest when and where it is worth planning to charge. Similar solutions are already proposed by manufacturers in automotive systems, but a) not all cars may have this option and b) some manufacturers charge a monthly subscription for this information.

Google also announces the introduction of functionality that supports trips with stops. For example, if we plan to go on holiday and stop in interesting places along the way, if we indicate stopping points, the application will take them into account in the charging plans and optimize the route so that energy is replenished, if possible “on the occasion” of the planned holiday activities.

The tech giant also announces that it will be easier to find individual spots. Using artificial intelligence, Google will, for example, analyze descriptions of charging points in terms of their precise location and cable type. When entering an underground garage or a multi-storey car park in a shopping centre, we will receive precise information, for example, “Enter the third level, go towards the exit and turn right just before the sign for the fourth level”. When rating a particular charger, users will be able to indicate which connector they used, how long it took to charge and how long they had to wait for a free cable, which will allow Google’s algorithm to prepare accurate suggestions for subsequent users.

Google has announced the global implementation of new solutions in the coming months. First, they’ll go to vehicles that use Google’s Android Automotive operating system, where Google’s software already has access to battery status and current power consumption.

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