Grave and HBO Max |  20th Anniversary Celebration of the First Part of Harry Potter

The HBO Max streaming platform will air on 1There is Next January, a special program, Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts (Harry Potter: Back to Hogwarts), Which brings together three artists: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grind et al. This project wants to mark 20e Anniversary of the famous owner who released the first part of Harry Potter in the cinema, The Stone of Harry Potter and the PhilosopherIn November 2001.

Luck Bowlanger

Luck Bowlanger

The other cast of the eight films will also attend the next meeting. This is the case with Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange), Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort), Robbie Goldrane (Hogrid) and Tom Felton (Drago Malfoy).

In Canada, a simultaneous English version of HBO Max will be uploaded to Crave on New Year’s Day. The version with French subtitles will be available after January 2022.

“It was an incredible journey from the very beginning of the film Stone of Harry Potter and the Wizard Warner Bros. executive Tom Ashim said in a statement Tuesday. “This reaction has touched anyone’s life with this cultural event – from talented actors and crews to those who have poured their heart and soul into this extraordinary film franchise, to enthusiastic fans who continue to maintain a sense of the magical world. , 20 years later. “

Watch the teaser on video.

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