Grill without disposable packaging.  Expert: Plastic plates and cups will disappear

Andrej Duda signed the law on Thursday on business obligations in this area Waste management and s packaging fee. The law will limit the use of single-use plastics. There will be a fee for some of them.

– Due to the change in the law, the behavior associated with the use will change plastic products – he told Polsat News Filip Piotrowski from Zero Waste Poland.

As he explained, disposable packaging will be significantly reduced, as it is the most harmful to the environment. “Moreover, they are the hardest to recycle,” he added.

We are able to recycle up to 90% of bottles, cans and packaging.

The expert said that the change does not mean that it will be more expensive. – Ironically, this will not affect the price, but plastic packaging, cups, straws, stirrers, sticks and plates will disappear from stores and bars. etc – he added.

Note that the things he mentioned often litter the public space. – So they will be replaced by reusable packaging, or packaging that is easier to recycle – explained Filip Piotrowski.

Video: A law restricting the use of single-use packaging. Expert: Plastic plates and cups will disappear

The law will also introduce the filing fee for packaging. The maximum amount will be PLN 1. Studies show that we are able to recycle up to 90% of our waste. Bottles, cans and plastic wrap, the expert said.

In his opinion, this change will make it easier for the consumer to find out In what packaging does he buy the product and whether it has a significant impact on the environment. – It will also raise awareness of recycling – Philip Piotrowski assesses.

“We must move towards reusable packaging and cutlery”

The specialist from Zero Waste Polska mentioned that the signed law includes the implementation of several applied solutions in the countries of the European Union. Manufacturers will have to include plastic packaging in their costs if they do not recycle these products. – That’s why They demand the introduction of an appropriate deposit refund system – reported the expert.

As he added, those changes stuck in the prime minister’s office — and he doesn’t know why. – Because it’s a list that contains 90 percent. Social support – explained Philip Piotrowski.

See: Giżycko: Record of high garbage collection costs. Businessmen demand discounts

In the Baltic states, studies were conducted that showed that thanks to similar changes The amount of plastic waste has decreased dramatically. Replacing disposable products with other disposable packaging is not the best solution. If we replace plastic cutlery with wooden cutlery, then ok It will still be an environmental burden – added.

According to PiotrowskiWe must move towards reusing packaging materials and cutlery.” “This of course has to do with the infrastructure to return and wash these things,” he explained.

He added that thanks to this act, the way products purchased online are packaged will also change. – Such packaging must be at least 70 percent recyclable. There is a chance that this is Legal change will also change our habits. And all this will help us protect the environment and save money – summed up the expert.

mbl/wka/Polsat News

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