Grupa Azoty and Anwil suspend production of fertilizer, carbon dioxide and dry ice.  Commentary by Janusz Peczynski and Andrei Gantner

Slaughterhouses and most processing plants may appear in Poland soon – Andrzej Gantner, Vice President and General Director of the Polish Federation of Food Producers said on TVN24. The beverage industry, which is already struggling with the effects of implementing a sugar tax, will be in a very difficult position. In turn, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Janusz Piecuchinsky said that this is another case that shows that “the authority is in a state of disarray”.

– It’s a very big problem if someone who has made the decision to stop the production of fertilizers in these two companies and mentions that this CO2 is actually by-production and is not good for anything and thinks that it is just a matter of bubbles in Orangid assumes that he is very mistaken and does not know the facts of the production chain Food – said Andrei Gantner on TVN24.

“Great slaughterhouses can be built in an instant.”

Carbon dioxide is needed to produce meat and meat products. He explained that it is not a matter of adding it to these products, but that it is necessary in technological processes, including what we call a protective atmosphere that protects packaged products so that they are as safe as possible for consumers.

As Gantner emphasized, “It doesn’t matter if we run out of beer or our favorite sodas.” – Although it is worth noting that also the beverage industry, which took a big hit in the form of the sugar tax, is destroying factories in Poland, if it had to stop production now, it would be a nail in the coffin of many small and medium-sized Polish companies and plants – he pointed out.

And Andre Gantner added that the problem may relate mainly to the meat and dairy industries. – In a moment, all the large slaughterhouses, or indeed most of the slaughterhouses and most of the processing plants in Poland may be established. To this you need to add processing of fruits and vegetables, since carbon dioxide and refrigeration processes are badly needed, even frozen food will not be delivered to stores – as mentioned.

According to Gantner, other industries that will not have access to the nitric acid used to disinfect production lines may also be in trouble. – They will have to stop production in these lines because that is what the law says. Lines must be cleaned and sterilized with this component, and this component is missing, because someone negligently decided that for economic reasons, he would stop producing fertilizers and all the substances associated with them – he said.

“We will search for lost fertilizers all over the world”

Janusz Pechosinski This, he said, was another situation that showed that “the government is in such a mess, in a short period of time no one has control over who does what.” – Now we will search for the lost fertilizers all over the world. He added that the price of the simplest fertilizer is four times more expensive.

He explained that without using the right amount of fertilizer, grain yield would drop by 30-40 percent next year.

Nobody controls who does what. He pointed out that these are state-owned companies.

Grupa Azoty and Anwil suspend production

The Grupa Azoty Group announced this week that the plant for the production of nitrogen, caprolactam and polyamide-6 fertilizers has ceased operations and, in turn, plants in Puławy have reduced ammonia production to about 10 percent. Production capacity and halting some production in the plastic and agricultural sectors.

Zakadi Azotoy Kodzerzin has reduced the installation process in the fertilizer production unit to a minimum. Nitrogen fertilizer production has also been temporarily suspended by Anwil, a subsidiary of PKN Orlen Capital Group. Companies illustrate the decision with unprecedented growth natural gas prices.

Main image source: TVN24

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