Halo Infinite is the perfect moment.  On how Call of Duty Battlefield pledges the king

Over the past several years, our industry has missed some breakthroughs in the traditional first-person shooter market as subsequent installments of Call of Duty or Battlefield have dominated. But this year, the situation had changed, because the Halo brand was going to return to its flagship form, which before the advent of BF and CoD was considered the undisputed king of the FPS genre! Unfortunately, later, the Master Chief weakened and gave up fighting for his former position, however, along with Halo Infinite, he again intends to kick ass in the competition.

fall of the empire

More or less from the days of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Battlefield Bad Company, both brands alternately took the title of the best shooter games of the year, thanks to which there was a kind of balance in how the future of the genre was created. Sometimes Activision was better, sometimes better DICE, which showed its paw using Battlefield 3 or 1. Lately, however, it’s slowly starting to happen that both series didn’t meet the expectations of their fans, and so there were slogans from all over, like the fact that Current Battlefields is nothing like “trójeczka”, and CoD ended with the new Modern Trilogy Warfare.

It’s true that Call of Duty was still in the bestselling game in the world and Battlefield V still had a very large player base, but you could see that there was some kind of crisis coming and if something didn’t start to move, he’d be stuck in like this Snatching from two fighting giants, he is seriously looking for a new businessman to replace them. Microsoft has come to us with the announcement of Halo: Infinite – a brand new and awesome version of the popular shooter brand, it is going back to the roots and showing the true power hidden in both Xbox consoles and 343 Industries skills. It was then that a glimmer of hope appeared – Activision and DICE will have to listen to the voice of their community, thanks to which they will begin to be more interested in their projects. We know today that Americans and Swedes have ignored both their fans and the upcoming competitor, No. 117 for the suit.

On November 5 of this year, Call of Duty: Vanguard hit the market, and it’s a quality in many ways – the story campaign is one of the weakest in the history of the cult series, with multiplayer modes unbalanced and full of cheaters battling with security measures made by Activision. . To make matters worse, the heavy focus on Call of Duty: Warzone meant that Activision’s problematic project was somehow written off, so not as much attention was paid to further development as in the case of the famous cast of the Battle Royale genre. Ultimately, this translated into a decent response from players who rated the game on Metacritic at only 3.5/10 on the PC version.

2042 Reasons not to play

Battlefield 2042 turned out to be an even greater disaster, which, despite quite successful beta tests, ultimately turned out to be the worst ever in the entire history of the series, even surpassing the problems that Battlefield 4 faced in a similar period, due to which DICE had to suspend work On Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and Star Wars: Battlefront. The new work of the Swedish studio showed that even an extra year of work on a large project does not always lead to its final improvement as much as we would expect from an experienced developer. Or even to any acceptable level.

The new BF, according to almost the entire community, is the worst that has happened to this cycle from the start, and, accordingly, a huge wave of outstanding cash has been sent to DICE. Lots of technical bugs, huge content gaps, or even unfulfilled gameplay promises are something that long-dissatisfied fans of the series have impressed. Now, Battlefield 2042 has 34% of positive reviews on Steam and a rating of just 1.3/10 on Metacritic on Xbox One. November 12, the day of the game’s premiere, both Electronic Arts and DICE will surely remember it for a long time.

Halo Infinite has certainly benefited greatly from all this noise, which initially showed itself on a very weak side to the infamous game show over a year ago. The lack of competition vigilance allowed Microsoft to surprise us with the completely unexpected premiere of its multiplayer beta.

This turned out to be a surprisingly great success. It turns out that so many people are tired of the defeats of Battlefield and Call of Duty, and so many players waited for the premiere of the new Halo game that the title broke all the possible records for the first presentation for PC from Microsoft. Won the title on Steam itself 262 thousand players at some point while doing this 260% better Result from the infamous DICE Hicior.

Halo Infinite has a very improved gameplay, a well-executed marketing campaign and, of course, debuts in the free-to-play model, thanks to which it has a chance to win many reluctant recipients. Currently, Microsoft’s production has 80% positive reviews on the Steam platform and up to 4 times more players than the previously mentioned Battlefield. Plus, when it comes to popularity, for example on Twitch, Halo is watched by more people than CoD and BF combined, which really gives a lot to think about. Therefore, Halo Infinite starts the perfect moment when it has a chance to spread its wings, rebuild its former location and show that the old school shooting still has a huge audience.

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