He married a virtual wife and could no longer talk to her due to a computer error

In 2018, Akihito Kondo, a Japanese man in his thirties, married a singer who created an imaginary computer. Four years later, the “couple” are going through difficult times: Ahigido can no longer talk to his wife, according to the Japanese newspaper Mainichi.

Read more: Hotsun Migu, a hologram that fills a room

Read more: He falls in love with a virtual creature and marries her

Defining himself as a “fantasy”, he decided in 2018 to marry fictional character Hutchun Migu, who represents a 16-year-old pop singer.

Ahigido Kondo spent almost 2 million yen (about 20,000 C $) on an unofficial wedding that his family did not even attend.

The Japanese who fell in love with the virtual singer in 2008 were able to interact with him for the first time in 2018, thanks to which a sophisticated device creates a hologram from a computer-assembled character.

Unfortunately, the device used by Ahigido Kondo recently stopped supporting software that he uses to chat with his virtual wife.

So the 38-year-old man can no longer chat with his imaginary wife.

“My love for Migu has not changed,” he declared in an interview with Maine.

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