HELLBOY is back with another movie. The Crooked Man premiere

Although the last Hellboy film was a financial failure and a critical smash, it wasn’t the last time the title character would appear on the big screen. The trailer for another film, this time titled Hellboy, has been released online. Hellboy: The Twisted Man. Millenium Media is responsible for the production.

The film is directed by Brian Taylor, whose works include: two parts of the series Adrenaline With Jason Statham, the screenplay was written by Mike Mignola and Chris Golden, creators of the Hellboy comic series (Mignola is the character’s creator). The story is based on a 2008 comic book series set in the mid-1950s and featuring the adventures of a younger Hellboy in the mountains of West Virginia, where he meets a man who has sold his soul to the titular devil. The creators have announced that the new film will be “a true transfer of the characters and stories from the comic books to the screen.”

The title character is played by Jack Kesey. The actor, born in 1987, has performed in several of the following works: Deadpool 2, Death Wish, alien And ClawsAccording to the creators, the actor’s talent and physique are perfect to play the younger Hellboy.

Let’s remember that in previous films, Hellboy was played by Ron Perlman (Guillermo del Toro’s Perseverance) and David Harbour (Hellboy From 2019).

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