Here are all the Quebec stars on the red carpet for the premiere of Rock of Ages

The premiere of the concert was held on Wednesday, next to the Capitol de Quebec Rock of AgesDirected by Joel Legendre.

• Read more: “Rock of Ages” Sherry Lunove Zucchini Beliefs

• Read more: Luce returns to her daughter Luno’s attendance at Dufault Star Academy

On the red carpet, several former academics came out to cheer for Lunov Zucchini, who plays Sherry. His mother, Luce Dufault, was also a part of it.

Here are all the Quebec stars on the red carpet at the premiere Rock of Ages:

1) Patrick Normand and Nathalie Lord

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

2) Matt Moln of Star Academy

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

3) Jeremy Plante from Star Academy

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

4) Mike Gauthier

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

5) Genevieve Jodoin

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

6) Star Academy’s Jacob Roberge

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

7) Joel Legendre

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

8) Larry Techen from Star Academy

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

9) Loose Dufault

Marcel Tremblay/QMI Agency

Rock of Ages Will be in Capitole de Québec all summer, then Trois-Rivière and Montreal this fall. For dates and tickets, visit the website.

Also See: 10 Musicals That Were Turned Into Movies

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