Hospitals and burials must be strengthened

September 30 Ministry of Health 1208 injuries reported Corona Virus and 27 deaths from COVID-19. The latest data is the highest in more than four months (from May 27, when there were 1,230 infections). The daily number of infections was exceeded on Wednesday and Thursday, which means there is a need to talk about introducing provincial-level restrictions. The conditions for imposing additional restrictions are now met by two counties in the province Lublin (from Łęczna and Lublin).

Corona virus in Poland. a. Krzysztof Simon: If someone has a stomach ulcer or lung cancer, that’s their business. Here the disease is transmitted to others

He was asked about the restrictions in an interview with Al Bawaba Prof. Krzysztof Simon. – In the event of a mass of this infection, of course, restrictions (…) must be established. However, it should not apply to feed Or those who got sick. Such people cannot be discriminated against due to the irresponsibility of others – the doctor said.

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President against compulsory vaccinations. Dr. Karuda’s Comments

According to the professor. Simon’s restrictions should generally apply to all unvaccinated people, and even those people “shall be punished if they infect other people.” – If someone has a lower lung ulcer or lung cancer, that’s their prerogative. Here illness It is transferred to others, let us respect others – the doctor thinks. According to him, restrictions should apply to traffic restrictions and access to buildings and shops.

a. However, Simon believes that wearing masks in open space is pointless with such a scale of infection and in our climate. – Of course, when the flu season appears, it is absolutely necessary to dress indoors and communicate. In general, I encourage you to wear masks in case your symptoms of airborne droplet disease worsen. That’s logical. Let’s use only good masks, not imported excrement – the doctor noted. A member of the Prime Minister’s Medical Council added that he had taken a decision to impose restrictions in a certain area Minister of Health The chief health inspector.

Dr. Michal Sotkowski, Chief Family Physician in Warsaw:Dr.. Sotkowski: The fourth wave will begin. The “magic number” has been exceeded.

The professor added that doctors expected an increase in the number of infections and that a greater number of positive tests, which were due to come precisely in early September and October, had been saying since the holiday. – We experts expected such an increase. While people gather in closed rooms, after returning from holidays, or cases Children go back to school, although this is less important. In addition, there is a change in weather and climate, shortening the length of the day. The doctor mentioned that this is the season in which the number of diseases transmitted by airborne droplets or dust droplets increases.

“Where there are too many paranoid vaccines, the disease spreads exponentially”

a. Krzysztof Simon believes, however, that the prediction of a large number of daily injuries is unlikely to come true. – One hundred percent it would not be the tragedy that occurred in the spring or last fall, because more than half of the population has already been vaccinated, most likely successfully, as well as a large group of those who have already been infected. He explained that the last group is more numerous than the official data indicates, because many patients did not progress.

a.  Krzysztof Simona. Fourth wave Simon: Prepare the funeral home

a. Simon, an infectious disease specialist, added that there are a lot of people, mostly young people, who are not vaccinated for various reasons. It also lists reluctance to accept vaccinations by a group of elderly people who should not be vaccinated for “ideological reasons”. The professor believes that the high number of infections in areas where the number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 is the least is not a surprise to doctors.

Where there were many paranoid ideas of refusing vaccinations, the disease spreads exponentially. These are areas of the Lubelskie Voivodeship, in a moment it will be Podkarpacie and part of Małopolska. But in every county there are small areas where mentality or education is limited and there will be problems. There, hospitals, health services, the ministry and funeral parlors must be strengthened. And the end – he said at the end of the talk the professor. Krzysztof Simon.

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