How does gravity cheat and what happens next?  |  urania

As part of the Saturday Night of Innovation that takes place across Poland, you will be able to: Find out and see how gravity cheats and what happens next. The presentation and lecture will be conducted by Dr. Tomasz Barciński, Head of the Mechatronics and Space Robotics Laboratory at CBK PAN.

W Mechatronics and Space Robotics Laboratory The Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences creates Polish instruments sent into space along with the largest ESA missions, and here the first Polish satellites Lem and Heweliusz were assembled.

Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences It has a unique granite table, which, combined with a system of platform-mounted vanes, allows for the simulation of microgravity conditions. Prototypes of space devices, sensors and satellites are being tested on the bench.

Already on Saturday 9 October under Innovation Nightwhich is part of digital festival (Festival of Digitization) Taking place from 1-10 October, all participants of the lecture and presentation will have the opportunity to look at the heart of Polish space robots and learn how we deal with cosmic issues on Earth.

– During the Saturday lesson we will try to make the children aware of what seems easy, though not obvious, that mass manifests itself in two ways. The first is weight. When something is pregnant, it has a burden. The second symptom is resistance to movement, acceleration. When we try to push something that has mass, we feel resistance. Moreover, the gravitational and inertial masses are surprisingly equal, even Einstein was surprised by this. With a granite table at my disposal, I will explain where the resistance to inertia comes from and how to conceal one dimension of gravity so that I can move 200kg pallets with one finger – Says Dr. Tomas Parkinsky, who will conduct classes organized by the Central Bank of Kuwait in the framework of “Innovation Night”

Lecture and presentation entitled How does gravity cheat and what happens next? starts at time. 12:00 It will be available for free online in the app Microsoft Teams or in Internet. The event is intended for a wide audience, but mainly children and schoolchildren.

The career of aerospace engineer is exciting. We know that children and young adults want to visit our labs and learn about the problems faced by people who design devices that have to work in space on a daily basis. That is why we participate in such events as “Innovation Night”. We strongly believe that science, just like the universe, has no limits, and that every pebble added to the education of young people can lead to great discoveries and great discoveries in the future. – says Ewelina Zambrzycka-Kościelnicka, a spokeswoman for CBK PAN.

Innovation Night is a real opportunity for everyone who wants to see the latest technologies up close and visit the places where unique solutions reign. The organizers present the achievements of Polish science and business. Anyone interested can participate in free demos and workshops and learn from kitchen techniques and the people who are changing our world!

Source: Noc Innowacji, CBK PAN

Pawe Z. Grochowalski

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