How much can a COVID-19 vaccination cost?  And count the government spokesman

While vaccination against COVID-19 is free today, there is no shortage of discussions about potential vaccination fees. Government spokesman Peter Mueller revealed the amount at risk.

Watch the video: “Stop COVID app is used by 7000 people. The government threw 6 million zlotys down the drain?”

table of contents

  • 1.
    The vaccine is still free

  • 2.
    How much can a COVID-19 vaccination cost?

1. Vaccine is still free

Although they appear speculation Introducing vaccination fees against COVID-19It’s still free. And it will remain so until at least the end of September, which was recently suggested by Minister Adam Nedzelsky, referring to the third dose.

However, if the Poles had to pay for a vaccination – which, according to many experts, could be a good strategy – it would not be a small sum. The cost of preparation from Moderna, Pfizer, J&J or AstraZeneka must be supplemented by the cost of the “service” and the cost of materials – syringes, needles or disinfection preparation.

At the same time, the problem of how to settle accounts with the patient remains? For example, the government buys the vaccines, the “service” is paid by the National Health Fund, and because of this logic the patient does not bear the full costs, so perhaps part of it (as in the case of influenza vaccines).

But for now, there is no reason to be afraid of incurring costs. Fortunately, because it is not small.

2. How much does the COVID-19 vaccination cost?

The government spokesman was a guest on the program of the Polish Council. In an interview, he admitted it Vaccination against COVID-19 is still free.

“However, we do not exclude that at some point such a solution (payment for a vaccine, editor’s note) could be offered” – said Piotr Müller.

The government spokesperson calculates that it could cost up to PLN 200, depending on the setup. In fact, the price spread among the vaccine is quite large.

It is said that while the AstraZeneki vaccine costs no more than twelve zlotys or so, Moderna and Pfizer can be as high as 10 zlotys.

– You’re welcome Serum It is about a hundred zlotys plus the vaccination procedure, that is, 200 zlotys more than I remember – said the politician in an interview with PR.

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