How to distinguish omicron from cold?  The doctor points out three symptoms

Hai Chau, MD, an infectious disease physician at Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center in San Diego, spoke about the Omikron variant and the common cold. He said how to distinguish between the Corona virus and the common cold.

The Omikron variant has become the dominant mutation of the coronavirus worldwide for several months. Scientists from the World Health Organization directly admit that the alternative has taken over the world. They also stress that it is highly contagious, which means that many people suffer from it at the same time. This, in turn, has led to an alarming increase in the number of infected people.

Symptoms caused by the Omikron variant are very similar to those caused by other “cold” viruses. However, Dr. Hai Chau, MD, an infectious disease physician from San Diego, talks about how to distinguish an omicron infection from the common cold.

“It’s fever, chills, headache, sore throat, and as the disease progresses comes coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing,” Dr. Shaw says.

The doctor admits that Omicron’s symptoms are similar to those of a cold, but there are three symptoms that make a difference. “The unique feature of COVID-19 is the loss of your sense of smell and taste that you won’t experience with the viruses that cause the common cold,” the doctor said in an interview with CBS. And he added, “The second thing is that colds are usually not accompanied by a high fever or severe headache, which is prevalent with Omicron.”

“If you have these symptoms, consider that you probably have COVID-19, not a cold,” Dr. Shaw concluded.

source:, CBS

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