Huge revenues for the Mentzen law firm.  In 2023, it broke the record

According to the portal, “The growth of the company’s business depends, among other things, on the subscription model, which gives SMEs access to professional tax and legal advice.”

The law firm Sławomir Mentzen employs approximately 120 peopleWhich makes it, she says, one of the largest independent companies of this kind in Poland.

The rest of the article is below the video:

Success with Mentzen+

As added, in 2019 and 2020, the law firm focused on the IP BOX subsidy specifically for the IT industry, which serves perhaps the largest number of companies benefiting from this subsidy. Tax changes also work to its advantage, an example of which is the introduction of the so-called Polish system. In 2021, the Mentzen+ service was created, which offers an unlimited number of tax consultations as well as many other tax services in a subscription model.

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