I’m all for gender-neutral fashion

I enjoyed reading several articles devoted to the Fall-Winter 2023-2024 fashion week that ends today in Paris.

A theme returns, one that resonates with the times: the industry’s creators want to present gender-neutral fashion.

It is necessary to deconstruct men’s fashion and women’s fashion and create something like androgynous fashion, which is less appropriate for both sexes.


Besides, aren’t we led to believe that everyone can choose their own gender today, as if nature had nothing to do with it?

It is even presented as the ultimate form of liberation. An individual’s deepest identity has nothing to do with his body. This ideology pushes towards decay.

Also, it must be said that fashion’s “top designers” have played a pioneering role in deconstructing the genders.

Still, there are genders.

If fashion, traditionally, takes this into account, it is because it takes reality into account.

If men and women do not wear the same clothes, it is because the bodies of women and men are not interchangeable.

They don’t have the same flaws to hide, they just don’t show in the same way.

In other words, there is such a thing as classical elegance, which takes this basic reality into account.


Obviously, it evolves over time, fortunately, too, but from this insurmountable fact it is the duality of the sexes.

And we must reconnect with that, in our cities, an aesthetic decline is not far from being transformed into a glorification of ugliness, where young blue-haired zombies believe they are liberating themselves from tradition. are subject only to the latest whims of the awakened bourgeoisie.

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