In “Class Secret” and “Log-Noir”: The Joy of Playing French for Andreas Abergis

Andreas Abergis is back for the second season of the series, as is his co-star Melissa Desormeaux-Bolin. Classified SecretIn ADDIK, and Black LakeOn Club Illigo.

Viewers recognize him because his clear, piercing blue eyes go unnoticed.

Acting in both languages ​​and often playing villainous roles – it’s rare to be called upon to play the father of the family! – has been working a lot in French over the years.

Andreas Abergis

Andreas Abergis in a scene from the “Log-Noir” series.

Photo courtesy of ILLICO Club

“At the beginning of my career, I played less in French, but I like to work in France and with the teams here. There are extraordinary talents here, especially since we don’t have millions of Americans,” he said in an interview with the QMI agency. The pandemic and now the American actors’ strike have made him Makes more available for “local” projects.

So much inside Classified Secret that Black Lake, the 53-year-old actor plays “lone wolves” in his own words. that Classified Secret Still reserved Black Lake There is extroversion.

Classified Secret: A reunion for McKenna and Miller

As a continuation of this Classified Secret, one of ADDIK’s biggest ratings hits, Andreas Abergis reprises his role as Adrian McKenna, the no-nonsense boss of the Canadian Security Services (CSS). Rachel Miller (Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin) was in this sensitive position that required nerves of steel to replace her.

“McKenna wanted to leave his post at SSC, it’s very tiring. It’s hard to find peace, it’s like playing chess all the time. You always have to be on your guard.

McKenna is now a security consultant for a mining company where two engineers, played by Maxime de Cotret and Ted Pluviose, are kidnapped in the Maghreb.

“He will participate in negotiations to release them, and sometimes we will see him remove his shell,” Andreas Abergis said.

Miller and McKenna have scores to settle regarding a mole in the Americans’ pay and above all Miller’s spouse Emil Darcy (Patrick Labey). The latter does not know who shot Darcy and on whose orders.

The series, produced by Duo Productions in association with Quebecor Content, is highly relevant to issues of alleged interference by China and India in Canada.

Black Lake: A dangerous and ambitious mayor

In Black LakeAndreas Abergis returns to his character of Mayor Conrad Cochrane, a dangerous, impulsive man, and although he is a wolf member of the pack of the lac-noir village, he has a free electron.

“His ambitions are huge, not territorial; He has amassed money, he has power and he thinks big,” said the Montreal actor, not hiding his delight at playing a character who “embraces his dark side”.

Andreas Abergis

Photo courtesy of ILLICO Club

In the first episode of the second season of the Pixcom-produced series, Mayor Cochrane returns from his trip to join Quebecor content. We see him get off a private jet with a man’s head. Plus, he keeps Zach (Vincent Paradis-Montplaisir) in a cage. He was the one who bit him and turned him into a wolf. Zach is tested by DRe Emily Morot (Marie-Evelyn Lessard).

Andreas Abergis will film the series in Toronto Reacher Once the actors’ strike in Hollywood is over, Amazon Prime will also be working on an important video game he can’t talk about.

  • Second season Classified Secret Airs every Wednesday at 9 PM on ADDIK from October 18. As for the second season Black LakeNew episodes will be available on Club illico from October 26.

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