In which banks will you get a secured loan at 2 percent?

Safe Loan 2 Percent Bank List
Author: Simon Starnowski/Grupa Murator
Which banks offer a 2 percent safe loan today? See list of banks.

The number of people willing to take out a safe loan at 2 percent is constantly growing. At the same time, the list of banks offering new home loans with subsidies is expanding. Check the current list of banks participating in the First Apartment Program 2023.


  1. Safe loan with 2 percent interest – which banks will give it? Here is the list of banks
  2. When will other banks offer the 2 percent secured loan?
  3. First Apartment Program – Basic Principles of the New Youth Loan

Safe loan with 2 percent interest – which banks will give it? Here is the list of banks

Many people who are planning to buy real estate are looking forward to the First Apartment Programme, which was launched on July 3, 2023. Under the program, you can get an attractive, low-interest secure loan at 2% for housing purposes. The loan is provided by banks that have signed an appropriate cooperation agreement with Gospodarstwa Krajowego Bank.

However, it should be remembered that only some banks are offering the new product when First Apartment launches – many will join later. Which banks give loans at 2 percent interest now? According to the information on the BGK website, the list of banks is as follows:

  • alior bank sa,
  • BPS Bank and BPS Cooperative Banks,
  • environmental protection bank,
  • Bikao Bank SA,
  • Spółdzielczy Rzemiosła Bank in Kraków,
  • cooperative bank in brodnica,
  • Krakowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Krakow,
  • m bank,
  • PKO Polski Bank SA,
  • SGBSA Bank,
  • Philobank SA

In these financial institutions, customers can easily apply for a secure loan. It is worth noting that As of July 2023, the loan is only generally available – The second part of the First Apartment Program, i.e. the account used to save to buy M, is a product that most banks plan to launch at a later date.

Recommendation S for the secured loan has been changed by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, making it easier to obtain than a regular housing loan.

When will other banks offer the 2 percent secured loan?

Generally for now Exact dates are unknown Other banks are joining the First Apartment program. All we know is that it will happen later. The exception is mBank, which will join in mid-September.

However, some banks have already announced their willingness to participate in the program and are willing to provide a new housing loan to young people. Which banks have confirmed their participation in the first apartment? According to PAP and BusinessInsider, these are:

  • PKO BP Bank,
  • Bikao Bank SA,
  • alior bank,
  • santander bank,
  • Environmental Protection Bank (BOŚ),
  • polish cooperative bank,
  • philobank,
  • sgb bank sa,
  • bbs bank,
  • mBank.

It is expected that more will join this list – there are more banks interested in the program, but not all of them have taken a final position yet.

– We assume that most commercial banks will join the program – he says Ministry of Development and Technology.

First Apartment Program – Basic Principles of the New Youth Loan

The First Apartment Program provides assistance in purchasing real estate For people up to 45 years of age. Apart from the age criterion, the most important is the requirement of not owning any apartment or house (now or in the past). However, some exceptions are provided in this regard. A person who wants to take out a 2% loan must also have an appropriate private contribution. The program includes two tools:

  • A 2% secure loan to facilitate the purchase of an apartment or construction of a house,
  • A housing account that makes it easy to save for a purchase.

Under the loan, the maximum you can get is 2 percent 500-600 thousand zlotys. The state supports the loan for 10 years, so that the borrower can rely on low installments. Properties purchased under the program may come from both the primary and secondary markets, at any price.

In contrast, a housing account is used to save for housing purposes. People who make at least 11 payments of a certain amount during the year will receive a savings subsidy from the state. Funds can be deposited into the account for a maximum period of 10 years. After the end of this period, the accumulated amount must be disbursed within 5 years.

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