Influenza vaccinations should be free to every adult

The Ministry of Health is preparing a regulation allowing all adults to be vaccinated against influenza free of charge in the 2021/22 season. The ministry’s spokesman, Wojciech Androsewicz, said the project was still under consultation.

The Center for Governmental Legislation published the draft on Friday, then deleted the document. A spokesman for the ministry explained in an interview with the Palestinian News Agency (PAP) that the publication was made in error, as the regulation is still under consultation. The final version will be announced in the coming days.

Marius Pekarsky wrote the first article on free flu vaccines for RMF FM. According to his information, of the 3 million people entitled to a reimbursed influenza vaccine, only 250,000 have benefited. Persons. So the warehouses are full of vaccines. Therefore, the Ministry of Health had to decide that all adult Poles would be able to benefit from it.

Cases of influenza occur throughout the year, however, as GIS confirms, an increased number of them can be observed in Poland from September to April, and the accumulation of infection occurs between January and March.

Initially, this season, free flu vaccines were available to seniors, seniors over 75, and pregnant women. 50 percent was to be reimbursed for people aged 65 to 74 and people aged 18 to 64 who had comorbidities (such as asthma or cancer).

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