Interesting phenomena in the sky.  You will be able to observe asteroid flybys and star flares

Close to Earth on Monday Two very large asteroids will pass by – According to data provided by the Center for Near-Earth Object Research (CNEOS).

The first is marked 517681 (2015 DE198), and the second is 439437 (2013 NK4). The two flights will take place one hour apart. In the first case at 15:08, and in the second case at 15:50 Polish time.

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Dimensions of the first z The size of the two asteroids is estimated to be between 440 and 990 metres, and the size of the other is estimated to be between 460 meters and perhaps even one kilometre.. Objects of this size are rarer than the almost daily flights of objects a few or tens or tens of meters in size.

On the same day, our planet will be passed by three more asteroids, but much smaller – several or several tens of meters in size.

Both, according to astronomers' calculations Larger asteroids will pass Earth at a safe distance and there is no risk of collision. Asteroid 517681 (2015 DE198) will pass us at a distance 18 times greater than the Moon, and at a speed of 14 km/s relative to our planet. In contrast, 439437 (2013 NK4) will fly just over 8 times further than the Moon, and the estimated speed will be about 16.5 km/s.

Astronomical phenomena. A starburst was announced

This is not the end of the attractions for astronomy fans. In the coming months A new resurgence of T Coronae Borealis will erupt. It may reach the same brightness as the North Star, say scientists from various institutions, such as NASA.

T Coronae Borealis is a visible star In the northern Corona constellation. It usually glows at magnitude 10, which means it is invisible to the naked eye. However, its flares have already been recorded twice in history, in which it brightened about 1,500 times, to about 2.5 magnitudes, meaning the star can be easily seen with the naked eye.

These eruptions occurred in 1866 and 1946. This nova may also have been observed in 1217 and 1787.

This is because in early March/April 2023, the star T Corona Borealis appeared Its glow dimmed to magnitude 12.3, and behaved similarly a year before the explosion in 1946.Astronomers expect another explosion of this nova to occur between April and September 2024.

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If the expected flare actually occurs this year, for many people it will be the only chance in their lives to see it, because another flare may occur within the next 80 years or so.

This phenomenon will be observed by many scientific, ground-based and space telescopes, but you do not need such advanced devices to see it. The supernova explosion will be so bright that we can see it with the naked eyeWithout the need to use binoculars or telescopes.

The star T Coronae Borealis is located About 2600 light years away from Earth.

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