Is Good Friday a day off from work?  There is one condition

Taking the day off on Good Friday gives you more time to prepare for Easter. In countries such as Germany, Great Britain and Slovakia, it is a public holiday. In Poland, such a practice occurs, among other things, in large companies.

– Every employer can do this. There are no restrictions here, because it is a beneficial solution for employees, says Katarzyna Wilczek, senior lawyer at Raczkowski Law Firm. This privilege does not affect the employee's vacation or work time – he adds.

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See also: The Poles have chosen their favorite for May. One standard

Good Friday off to work on Saturday?

The company may also give you Good Friday off, but in return ask you to make it up on another date. Lawyers pay attention to many details, especially internal business regulations. If you specify that work is performed Monday through Friday and the company wants to take a day off on Saturday, it must change the regulations.

The vacation day must be compensated in the same settlement period. Employees should also be informed of schedule changes in advance.

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