Is July 28, 2024 a commercial Sunday, trade without ban in Lidl, Biedronka, in all stores, malls and shopping centers

Shopping Sundays are back – the whole of June has passed under this banner. The changes to the Prohibition of Trade Act have become real because the House of Representatives has started working on them. At the moment, the idea is not to restore all Sundays in full, but to increase the number of shopping Sundays per year from seven to thirty. The House did not return to this issue in July, but the fate of the Prohibition of Trade Act changes is likely to be decided in one of the upcoming sessions.
If these regulations are actually in effect, July 28, 2024 will be a trading Sunday, because it is the fourth Sunday in July, and every third and fourth Sunday, the trading ban will not apply, except for exceptions.
Almost 100% of the time, the next Sunday that will be exempt from the trade ban is the last Sunday – not July, but August, to be exact, August 25, 2024.

However, perhaps next year, the penultimate and last Sunday of July will also be a trading Sunday – if the option that the first and second Sundays of each month will be non-trading (trading is prohibited on these days) is accepted.

Sunday shopping, Sundays with trading ban: changes have already happened or have not happened yet

Unfortunately, we still have to wait for the new regulations, which the House of Representatives is seriously considering today, as the law of January 10, 2018 has come into effect. Concerning the restriction of trade on Sundays, holidays and certain other days (Journal of Laws of 2023, Articles 158 and 2626) under which trading is prohibited on Sunday, July 21, 2024 – which is not a Sunday for trading because it is not on the list of Sundays on which trading is permitted.
This does not mean, of course, that we will not be shopping at all – the regulations allow trading in stores that do not employ employees. Therefore, we can easily find a small local store or even a chain store – Shabakah, Carrefour Express, etc., which will open on July 28, 2024.
How can even discount stores? Discount chains often enter into franchise agreements with merchants – they provide them with the brand and know-how, and the merchants run the business alone or with the support of family members. In this case, they are not subject to the Sunday trading ban and can open their stores whenever they want.

Furthermore, if they want to trade every Sunday in a medium-sized outlet, they can run a business as partners in a civil partnership; if there are, for example, three of them and they receive support from family members, they can now, according to the regulations, invite customers even to a large store.
In addition, shops at gas stations are open as usual. The ban on trading on Sunday also does not include, among other things, pastry shops, flower shops and of course catering outlets. Orders can also be made through online stores, and some stores will even deliver groceries on the same day, so in practice you can also shop there on Sunday, July 28, 2024.

Stores open Sunday, July 28, 2024 and every other day

Another specific place to shop on Sunday is gas stations. Modern gas stations are small shopping centers where you can use various services and make purchases – not only when you refuel your car, but also when you come specifically to buy it. This is what many people do on weekends when unexpected guests suddenly appear or they go to visit, for example, for a barbecue with friends who have a house outside the city.
Unfortunately, these jobs will be severely limited in the near future, as the ban on alcohol sales in stores and gas stations becomes more likely. And a barbecue with only Coca-Cola or even energy drinks is not the same. Therefore, experts expect that shops at gas stations will decline, and small shops on the side of the road will flourish in their place, especially in villages, which, in addition to sausages, offer beer and other alcoholic drinks.
The issue of banning the sale of alcoholic beverages in shops and gas stations is developing, and according to the latest concept, the ban will not be absolute, but will only include night hours – from 10 pm to 6 am – which is a big difference, Because weekend barbecues will be saved this way.

Trade Sunday, July 21, 2024: What’s Happening at Malls and Shopping Centers Today

Of course, you can go to one of the shopping malls or centers in many small Polish cities on Sunday, July 28, 2024, and it will not be a wasted trip. Due to the implementation of the law on the prohibition of trade, which surprised investors in particular in shopping centers and shopping malls a few years ago, they are gradually changing their business models – Subsequent stores replace service points not covered by the trade ban.

So, although we will not be shopping there today in a big store – groceries in Carrefour or exclusive purchases in fashion stores, we will certainly have a good time participating in sports activities or in the games rooms – children, and then finally have lunch or dinner in one of the many restaurants, bars or pubs.
Shopping centers and malls also use all possible opportunities, including those on Sundays with a ban on trading, to attract customers. Today you can go there almost blindly – Father’s Day is an opportunity to see the many attractions that await customers there.

Sunday Trading Ban 2024: How Many Sundays Are There To Trade This Year?

Referring to the legal provisions and evaluating the current legal situation, we must conclude that for another year in a row there are seven Sundays in the calendar without a trade ban:

  • January 28,
  • 24 marks,
  • April 28,
  • June 30,
  • August 25,
  • December 15,
  • December 22.

So there is no point in searching for the next Sunday, July 28, 2024 in this list.
Currently, although we are approaching the end of the seventh month of 2024, trading has been allowed only four times – on January 28, March 24, April 30 and June 30. According to the current law on business Sundays in 2024 There are still three left.including one in the current quarter for pre-school shopping, and up to two shopping days in December, before Christmas.

Sunday Trading Ban 2024: When Will Shops Be Open All Day Sundays?

The answer is simple: When the House of Representatives passes the law It will be published in the Journal of Laws. Then, starting from the following month, the ban will cover only the first and third Sundays of the month. On the rest, trading will be allowed under any conditions.
In addition, there will traditionally be more shopping on Sundays during the holiday months: March or April (Easter) and December (Christmas).

Employees of Lidl, Biedronka, Stokrotka, Auchan, Kaufland, Aldi, Dino – or other chains, who now use almost all Sundays due to the provisions on the ban on Sunday trading in its current form, will receive protection – they will receive double pay for working on Sundays and another day off, and above all, a guarantee of at least two Sundays a month without work.
These are the provisions of the short and concise amendment bill, which will soon be presented to the House Committee for its first reading by the full House.

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