Jean Reno and his wife Jobia, the couple reappeared at the Monte Carlo TV show

Prince Albert and his wife, Princess Charlene, kicked off the Monte-Carlo Television Festival on June 16 at the Grimaldi Palace. Since then, small screen French and international stars have followed each other on the rock. Saturday, Jean Reno He made a remarkable appearance defending his new Spanish series “An Asundo Privato” (“A Private affair”). Among other actors, the 73-year-old Frenchman posed with his wife, Jobia Poroka.

The parents of Silo and Dean (13 and 11) have not appeared in public for almost three years. In Monaco this weekend, Jean Reno and his wife were their softest accomplices. This summer, the actor and British model will be celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary.

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Another couple to distinguish themselves at the festival: formed David Hasselhoff And His wife is Haley Roberts . The 69-year-old American actor appeared in excellent form, not far offAdriana Carambeau (This year’s jury member), Jane Seymour, Jason Priestley, former Miss France Rachel Legrain-Tropani, disabled swimmer Theo Currin … Gregory Fitzzy, Taylor Kinney or Riot Box, Claudia Mongumu and Frederick Pauroli from “Howe” ”Series).

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